
Showing posts from October, 2008

I cried when I saw this: Poor babies.

72% des Parents Québecois veulent le choix

ÉCR : 72 % des Québécois pour le libre choix 2008-10-23 Un sondage réalisé par la société Léger Marketing pour le compte de l'Association des parents catholiques du Québec (APCQ) révèle que près des trois quarts des parents québécois (72 %) sont d'accord pour que les parents aient le choix entre l'enseignement religieux confessionnel et le cours d'éthique et de culture religieuse. Quant à l'ensemble de la population québécoise, c'est plus des deux tiers (69 %) qui sont d'accord pour que les parents aient le choix entre l'enseignement religieux confessionnel et le cours d'éthique et de culture religieuse. Mme Jean Morse-Chevrier, présidente de l'Association des parents catholiques du Québec s'est réjouie de ces résultats : « Nous nous félicitons que la population reconnaisse que les parents doivent avoir l'option d'un enseignement religieux et moral pour leurs enfants à l'école en accord avec leur propre confession religieuse. Il f...

What Abortion Clinics don't want you to know

October Surprise: Autism linked to Abortion Brent Rooney ( MSc; email: http:/// ) In the 15 October 2008 McCain/Obama debate AUTISM was mentioned at the beginning and at the end of the debate. Dr. Darios Getahun ( http:/// Kaiser Permanente) and colleagues have identified stressors for risks to newborns such as infection ('chorioamnionitis'), fetal distress, premature birth etc.[Getahun, 1] [URL: http:/// ] One of the stressors listed by Getahun is a prior induced abortion. Three times as many families are affected by the serious behavioral problems of autistic children than the number of families affectedby CP (Cerebral Palsy). Male infants have higher autism risk than do female infants; gastrointestinal problems are a likely autism risk factor. Whether vaccinations elevate autistic risk is not a settled issue; for vaccination warnings, visit http:/// . There is evidence than metal poisoning (e.g.s. mercury, lead) raises autistic risk. Estimates of the prevalence of autism...

Why I Can't Vote For Obama - by Huntley Brown

This was sent around as a forward and snopes verified it really IS from Huntley Brown, an African American pianist. His points below are really good.... it was written for some of his friends so he really "straight talks" in it... Why I Can't Vote For Obama By Huntley Brown Dear Friends, A few months ago I was asked for my perspective on Obama, I sent out an email with a few points. With the election just around the corner I decided to complete my perspective. Those of you on my e-list have seen some of this before but it's worth repeating... First I must say whoever wins the election will have my prayer support. Obama needs to be commended for his accomplishments but I need to explain why I will not be voting for him. Many of my friends process their identity through their blackness. I process my identity through Christ. Being a Christian (a Christ follower) means He leads I follow. I can't dictate the terms He does because He is the leader. I can't vote blac...



Decorating with Bows

For the crafty people: Choose two rolls of ribbon with colours that go well together, and a pipe-cleaner to match: Cut about 2 feet of ribbon (more or less depending on the size of bow you want to make) cut ends into a point (or you can cut two points): Fold over one end of ribbon: Do the same for the other end: Prepare second ribbon in the same manner: Place one bow on top of the other: Place over pipe-cleaner and wrap pipecleaner around both bows: Wrap around twice and twist in back: Fluff out bows. You can leave it like this if desired: ... or you can tie some deocrations to the middle, like this cone. Small bells work well too, the dollar store is full of things that can be tied on: This is where my ribbon ended up, above the mirror in my hair-salon, the colours go well with autumn flowers too: Have fun!

Secular Quebec's 'crisis of values' shows in health problems

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 Secular Quebec's 'crisis of values' shows in health problems: cardinal Hostile Media Blamed; 'Disoriented, unmotivated, unstable' population Canwest News Service Published: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 MONTREAL - The Roman Catholic Primate of Canada, Marc Cardinal Ouellet, says the growing spiritual void in Quebec is contributing to "grave and costly repercussions" in the province's public health system. In a philosophical review, Vita e Pensiero, published by the Catholic University of Milan, the Quebec City cardinal writes that Quebec's growing social problems can be attributed to the rupture between its religion and its culture. "The listless anxiety of Quebec's young people, the decline in the marriage rate, the low birth rate, the increasing number of abortions and suicides, has contributed to a crisis of values," he writes. In the article, Where is Quebec Going? Cardinal Ouellet describes Quebecers as ...

Obama's Extremisim

Here 's why, if I were american, I would not be voting Obama. Besides voting against a ban on partial-birth abortions and using fetuses for embryo research and all the like, he also does not support the pregnant woman bill which would give women faced with an unexpected pregnancy support thus helping women if they wish to choose another option besides abortion. He has co-sponsored a bill-strongly opposed by McCain-that would authorize the large-scale industrial production of human embryos for use in biomedical research in which they would be killed. In fact, the bill Obama co-sponsored would effectively require the killing of human beings in the embryonic stage that were produced by cloning. It would make it a federal crime for a woman to save an embryo by agreeing to have the tiny developing human being implanted in her womb so that he or she could be brought to term. (...) when a bill was introduced in the United States Senate to put a modest amount of federal money into research...

On the Elections from United Mothers Inc

I) REAL Women: Key Pamphlet Comparing Conservative, NDP & Liberal Party Platforms “You will note that we have not included the abortion issue in this pamphlet… Since none of the three major parties has seen fit to stand up for life, no comparison can be made on this issue.” According to the REAL Women pamphlet, which two parties do you think support the defense of artistic merit for child pornography and the decriminalization of prostitution? (The Liberals and NDP) Which two parties call for the elimination of the "artistic merit" defense for child pornography? (The Conservatives [and CHP]) Which party supports the decriminalization of marijuana? (NDP)REAL Women has put together an informative pamphlet entitled “Strengthening Our Nation” which sets out the positions of the three major parties on the following current issues: Safety, Law & Order Non-Medical Use of Drugs Child Pornography Eut...

Mother duck's 'bird brain' saves ducklings

She grabs police officer by pant leg to lead him to her brood trapped under grate Nicholas Read Vancouver Sun Don't mention "bird brains" to Ray Petersen, because after what happened this week, he won't hear a word of it. Petersen, a community police officer for Granville Downtown South, was walking in the 1500-block Granville Street (directly under the Granville Bridge) Wednesday morning when a duck came up and grabbed him by the pant leg. Then it started waddling around him and quacking. "I thought it was a bit goofy, so I shoved it away," Petersen said in an interview. But the duck, a female (he thinks it was a mallard), wasn't about to give up that easily. Making sure she still had Petersen's eye, she waddled up the road about 20 metres and lay on a storm sewer grate. Petersen watched and thought nothing of it. "But when I started walking again, she did the same thing. She ran around and grabbed me again." It became obvious to him then ...


To Women: He's sensitive, romantic and tries hard to please you, but when there's a problem he seems oblivious. When you ask for input on a decision, he says, "It’s up to you." Women give this book to men, tell them to read it and say, "This is what I have been trying to tell you all this time!" To Men: No matter how hard you try to please her, she's not happy. You work hard, but don’t feel appreciated. You feel you have lost control of your life. Learn how to gain respect and become a hero to the woman in your life. After reading this book, ask a woman if what it says is what she really wants. You may be surprised at her response. Check it out

Still another Movie - Fireproof

Fireproofing our marriages Posted: October 04, 2008 1:00 am Eastern by: Jonathon Falwell © 2008 (...) The new movie titled "Fireproof" is proving to be a great encouragement tool for Christian couples across the nation. Released last weekend, the film starring Kirk Cameron as a firefighter battling to save his marriage was the nation's fourth-most attended movie of the week (in only 839 theaters). The filmmakers tell me that it was even the top-grossing film in about 200 of the theaters it was in. (...) (...) To learn more about "Fireproof," please visit these websites: and . NOTE: I was fascinated to read that Kirk Cameron will not kiss an actress while filming a scene for a movie. Therefore, in "Fireproof," Cameron's real-life wife, Chelsea Noble, was brought in to shoot the kissing scene (she was made up to resemble actress Erin Bethea, who plays Cameron's wife in the fil...

Vote Early and Often — At the Box Office

Let the Hollywood Left know what you think of them: see An American Carol. By Frank J. Gaffney Jr. It’s election season, so it is appropriate that an important vote will be cast this weekend. No, I am not talking about early balloting in Ohio or Oregon for the November presidential race. Rather, this vote is a national one — and it will be taking place at a theater near you. This weekend, the returns will be tallied on box-office sales of the opening weekend of An American Carol — a marvelously politically incorrect take-off on the timeless Dickensian morality tale. Set around the Fourth of July in contemporary America rather than a Victorian Yuletide, it has been created and directed by my friend, the zany and wildly successful David Zucker. This Carol’s Scrooge character, played by Kevin Farley, is a dead-ringer for radical leftist filmmaker Michael Moore. The ghosts who visit him — including John F. Kennedy, George S. Patton, and George Washington — labor to teach their subject abo...

Culture War at the Movies

Religulous vs An American Carol : (Bill O'Reilly) (...) This week marks the opening of two highly charged movie comedies. The first, "Religulous," is a Borat-style journey starring Bill Maher that is designed to demonstrate that anyone who believes in God is a total moron. The second, "An American Carol," is a slapstick satire that pokes fun at the far left. Director David Zucker, who did the "Airplane" movies, mocks Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell and other liberal enthusiasts. Full disclosure: I have a small part in "Carol." (...) (...) No question but that both movies are going to anger some folks. Maher in particular is a provocateur. Promoting his film on "The View," he told one of the women, a believer, that she should go to a mental hospital. Borat would be proud. On the "Carol" front, more than a few people will be horrified that movie icon George Clooney is mocked. Talk about roping a sacred cow! Belittlin...

No joke -- two blokes walk into an office and rewrite curriculum

Susan Martinuk Calgary Herald Friday, October 03, 2008 So . . . two priests walk into a bar. Oops, wrong joke. So . . . two priests walk into the Ministry of Education. One priest says, "I'm registering a complaint. I don't like the way you teach sex education and talk so freely about sexuality in English, health and biology courses. The way you present these topics fails to affirm our deeply-held religious beliefs and our lifestyle of abstinence." Without any discussion, the Ministry officials tell the priest, "Why don't you write the course on Sex Ed? And while you're at it, write a set of guidelines to help teachers better affirm your beliefs and lifestyle in every subject and in every grade. We'll make it happen -- YOUR curriculum will soon be OUR curriculum." Of course, the scenario is ludicrous. Except that it already happened in British Columbia, where two gay men claimed the public school curriculum failed to affirm their sexuality. The c...

Politique Fédérale au Québec

J'ai reçu ceci dans un courriel aujourd'hui: Pensez-y bien!!! Coupures en culture... Prison à vie pour les crimes commis par les mineurs... Retour sur le droit à l'avortement... Vers un système de santé privé... Guerre en Afghanistan... Appui aux grandes pétrolières... Maudite belle plate forme électorale...  «Est-ce que c'est en donnant 100$ de plus par mois à chaque familles, qu'on aide vraiment les familles? Ou c'est en créant une société où les enfants vont pouvoir vivre dans un environnement qui est sain; vont pouvoir avoir accès à une éducation de qualité?» Laure Waridel.  «Peut-être que M. Harper vous pourriez m'expliquer qu'est-ce qu'on calice en Afghanistan et qu'on refuse d'aller au Darfour?» Dan Bigras.  «Peut-être que tu te dis: «La culture, l'environnement, les inégalités sociales, l'intolérance... Je pense-tu vraiment à ça quand je vais voter.» Ben j'espère que oui. Parce que, si tu penses à la peu...

Melissa Ohden's Story

Aborted at Five months gestations and born alive:

St Patrick's Summer

Got this book from Sophia Institute Press , for Jean-Alexandre. I've been making him read it, over the summer and this fall. I have to force him to read because, sigh, computer and TV are so much more interesting you know and reading is boring... So I decided to pick up the book today, and check it out myself. I like it. It is well-written, and while it does have catechism in there, it explains it well and in a way that children can understand. Heck, it explained the Blessed Trinity in a way that I hadn't really understood myself yet. And of course there is some adventure in it, the children get to see what happened to St Patrick in Ireland. I definitely recommend this book as a fun way to learn more about your faith. For adults too!

Deux Pensées de Padre Pio

Notre Ange Gardien: Souvenez-vous que nous sommes avec Dieu quand notre âme est en état de grâce, et loin de lui quand nous sommes en état de péché grave; mais son ange - notre ange gardien - ne nous abandonne jamais... C'est notre ami le plus sûr et le plus sincère quand nous n'avons pas le tord de l'attrister par notre mauvaise conduite. (GdT, 205) J'y crois fortement. J'irais jusqu'à dire que j'ai eu des conversations avec mon ange gardien. Oui, il me répond, oui, je l'entends, pas avec mes oreilles bien sûr, mais ce sont plutôt des pensées qui me viennent en réponse à mes questions. Je le sens très proche de moi à l'occasion, comme par exemple, à ce moment-ci alors que je suis en train de parler de lui. Il ne faut jamais perdre l'espoir: N'ayez pas peur de toutes les embûches que vous tend le démon: le Seigneur est toujours avec vous. Il combattra avec vous et pour vous. Jamais il ne permettra que vous soyez trompés ou vain...

It's Respect Life Month

From Feminists For Life : (Yeah - GOOD feminists!!! lol) During October, as many observe Respect Life Month, I ask you to “face the choice”—by hearing first from Melissa Ohden, a woman who was aborted at five months’ gestation…and was born alive . Melissa survived a saline abortion and was placed in a neonatal unit, where her parents found her and adopted her. Today Melissa works in a social welfare agency in the Midwest. This spring Melissa gave birth to a baby girl in the same hospital, the same maternity ward, where she had been aborted. Like other Feminists for Life speakers, Melissa promotes pro-woman solutions especially on college campuses. “My biological mother was in college when she chose to abort me. I deserved better. My biological mother deserved better, too,” Melissa says. Future videos, which will be released throughout the school year, will include stories from women : who faced unplanned pregnancies during college—and succeeded both academically and as mothers; - a “f...

To be white...

Got this in an e-mail... and I agree... but of course it's not quite as simple as all that. Today, it is a commonly held belief that everyone is born equal. It wasn't always so, hence the organizations pushing for rights for a certain group. Also, when you are a minority, you tend to like to try do things with others like you. But yeah... it does end up being ridiculous. Eventually, certain organizations do end up being obsolete or losing their "raison d'être." Kind of like women's rights groups in Canada and the US. You can ridicule heterosexual men in public, but woe to anyone who touches a woman or a homosexual. Women's rights infringe on men's rights. Feminist's rights infringe on traditional women's rights. We prefer the working, career woman with only one or two kids to the stay-at-home mom who has 4 or more. The career woman gets more support than the one who stays home. Better tax breaks too, and in Québec, inexpensive daycare (albeit h...

I love my son

He's fun to be with, he's interesting to talk to, and when I asked him to take down all the towels in the bathroom and clean out the shelves and help organize them, he did it. Without complaining. Did I mention I love him? He's my hero.

Tall - or not?

As I have complained about before, I have a hard time finding clothes that fit me. Pants are often not long enough, although there are more and more 32" inseams out there, 33" are better. My shoulders are wide (like a small man's) so tops often don't fit in the shoulders, under the armpits, and the length is often not long enough either. Also, I am not a skinny girl. I will never be a size 6, that's just not how I am built. The lowest I could go, without becoming anorexic, would probably be a size 10. Errr, that is to say, the old size 10. Not the new size 10 that some stores are coming out with that is closer to a size 12. I also have no curves, so if I go too large in women's sizes, or go into the 14+ stores, the clothes hang on me like potato sacks. If I were to dress on the men's side every time, I would have no problem. I would probably fit men's size small to medium every time, perfectly. Problem is, I DON'T WANT TO DRESS LIKE A GUY! I have n...

From Real Women of Canada

So I guess, despite the refusal to debate on abortion, the only real option here is still the conservative party? At least they support family, including families where one parent stays home, and, it would seem, they are still the only ones left who'll protect religious freedom. ALERT Federal Election 2008 The federal election campaign 2008 is winding down. We have just two weeks left before voting day on October 14th. It has been a disappointing campaign for a number of reasons. The Liberal party under its leader, Stéphane Dion, appears to be in a meltdown, running third behind the NDP in both Quebec and British Columbia. The left is fragmented between the Liberals, NDP and the Green Party. This leaves the Conservatives under Stephen Harper with the upper hand. He has, however, disappointed social conservatives with his adamant refusal to open the abortion debate. The reason for this is Quebec – in fact – it’s all about Quebec. BQ leader Gilles Duceppe, who is in danger of losing ...