
Showing posts from February, 2009

Sunday and Mass

The weekend is coming again. I enjoy weekends. All of my kids are home, my husband is at home, I don't have to get up at 6:30. But every weekend there is a certain factor of stress that eats away at me more and more as the years go by. It is the uncertainty of how-am-I-going-to-get-everyone-to-mass? Summers aren't so bad, because soccer activity is mainly limited to weekdays, except for tournaments, which can be very worrisome, because then I have to find masses in places I am not familiar with at times that will not interfere with games. (Or annoy the husband too much) This weekend, I am going to see some very dear, old friends. They go to mass too, although I am not sure of the frequency. We'll be there most of the weekend, which makes it kind of hard to get to a mass without being impolite and leaving. If we ALL went to mass, it would be one thing, but since they are too good hosts to leave my husband behind while we go off, I think I'll be the only one to go. Which ...

Stranger than strange

I guess this is where the word "queer" lives up to it's true meaning? February 27, 2009 Raphael Alexander A gym owner in St.Catharines, Ontario, had just opened up a new women-only gym when he was approached for membership over the phone by a man. The owner, John Fulton, explained that it was a gym only for women, and thought it was the end of the matter, until a woman showed up with the same male voice. And something else. A penis. The woman was a transsexual who had not yet had surgery to remove the male genitalia. Despite the fact that the owner didn’t outright reject the membership application, Mr.Fulton finds himself before a Human Rights Tribunal : Mr. Fulton, however, has chosen to fight on the grounds that he never refused the woman membership, but was still exploring his legal rights and obligations when, just a week after the woman’s visit, he received a letter from her lawyer demanding a written apology and a cash settlement. She filed a human rights complaint ...

Bloc Québecois

Hier j'ai reçu ceci du Bloc Québecois: "À Ottawa, il n'y a qu'un seul parti qui se tient DEBOUT pour le Québec, et c'est le Bloq Québecois." Ah bon. Mettons que si le Québec au complet pensait exactement comme le Bloq Québecois, ce serait peut-être vrai. Mais ce n'est pas le cas. " Pas un mot sur Kyoto dans le budget du gouvernement Harper!" qu'on nous dit. Euh... c'est peut-être parce que, contrairement au parti BQ, le parti conservateur n'a pas été compètement dupé par la nouvelle religion Verte? Lisez là-dessus, et vous verrez que toute la propagande "Gazes à Effet de Serre" ne tient pas vraiment debout. Oui nous faisons face à de la pollution, oui nous devons prendre des décisions écologique, mais le sois-disant réchauffement de la planète n'a rien a voir avec nous. La terre se réchauffe et se refroidie depuis des millions d'années, dans le temps médiéval, la terre était plus chaude qu'aujourd'hui. Mo...

I totally Agree with this

... especially the last bit. Let atheists have their bus slogans February 21, 2009, Guelph Mercury Royal Hamel Atheists are finding their voice in the public square. The slogan, "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life," has to date appeared on buses in England, Spain, the United States and Canada. The original idea was the brainchild of Richard Dawkins, poster-boy for atheism, and well known for his bestselling book The God Delusion. Responding to Christian advertisements on buses in London, Dawkins put up money and spearheaded the campaign to put atheistic philosophy on some 800 buses. The campaign ran into problems in both Australia and Italy as censors initially kept the ads from appearing. In Canada roughly 2,400 such advertisements have run on buses in Toronto, Calgary and Burlington. However, the Freethought Association of Canada has run into problems with city staff in Ottawa and Halifax who have thus far not approved the ads. The ads have p...

I AM That Exception - Angelica Rosales - Feminists For Life of America

Missionary in Paraguay returns Award

ZENIT, The world seen from Rome News Agency ================================================== Cases Like Eluana's Can Have Happy Endings Missionary Rejects Award in Protest of Italy's Euthanasia Ruling ASUNCIÓN, Paraguay, FEB. 16, 2009 ( Father Aldo Trento has been caring for patients like Eluana Englaro for years, so when Italy refused to protect her life, he protested by returning one of Italy's highest honors. Since 1989 Father Trento has been one of the best-known missionaries of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Charles Borromeo in Paraguay. He is 62 years old and is the head of a clinic for the terminally ill in Asunción. On June 2, the Italian president, Giorgio Napolitano, conferred the title "Knight of the Order of the Star of Solidarity" on Father Trento. Last Wednesday, the priest returned the honor to Napolitano in the wake of the latter's refusal to sign the special decree that would have saved the life of Eluana Englaro, who had been in...

Valentine's Day

American Minute with Bill Federer February 14 In the 3rd century, Emperor Claudius II was faced with defending the Roman Empire from the invading Goths. He believed single men made better soldiers so he temporarily forbade marriage. He also forced the Senate to deify the former Emperor Gallienus, including him with the Roman gods to be worshipped. Legend has it that Valentine was a bishop in Italy who risked the Emperor's wrath by refusing to worship idols and for secretly marrying young couples. Saint Valentine was dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned him to be beaten to death with clubs and have his head cut off, FEBRUARY 14, 269AD. While awaiting execution, it is said he prayed for the jailers' sick daughter, who miraculously recovered. He wrote her a note and signed it, "from your Valentine." In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius designated February 14th as "Saint Valentine's Day." Signing an X for a kiss began in Medieval times where those who could...

Arrest Warrent issued for Sudanese President

The New York Times reported last night that the judges of the International Criminal Court have decided to issue an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. While this is an extraordinary step in the direction of justice, it presents real danger in the short-term. There is every reason to believe that Bashir may react by lashing out against civilians, aid workers or peacekeeping forces. We need a clear, bold message from President Obama that the U.S. will not stand for retribution from Khartoum. He must name a high-level diplomat with the stature, mandate and authority to bring peace to Sudan, protection to its people and accountability to the perpetrators—today. Click here to tell President Obama to put someone in charge of Darfur immediately. The ICC has never before indicted a head of state. This extraordinary development adds legal weight to a long obvious truth: primary responsibility for the atrocities in Darfur rests with the regime that Bashir heads. Now we're ...

Something my dad wrote, on money and trust

A homily by J.-N. Chabot, May 16, 2008 St James is quite stern towards the rich. On Monday we read from his letter that the rich will disappear like a flower in the field. He said: Let the believer who is lowly boast in being raised up and the rich in being brought low. It’s not that material goods don’t count… we need them to satisfy our basic human needs. Because our human bodies are united to an immortal soul, material things are necessary even for our spiritual life. Think of the sacraments, for example, we receive the graces attached to them through sensible signs, particularly in the Eucharist which requires bread and the wine. However material goods cannot become an end in themselves and St James accuses some people of doing just that. Those are the people whose main purpose in life is to get rich is order to have the power that money gives – power to buy material comfort and pleasure, power to control others. What is money, anyway? There is another word for money which helps...

Special interest groups

You know what I don't like about special interests groups, as compared to generalized human rights groups? When a special interest group gets too much power, they tend to forget everyone else and focus only on their own rights. They forget that other groups of people have rights too, and they start to see these other groups of people as competition. If other groups of people have interests that conflict their own, for instance, they see their rights as being trampled on. In other words, no one other group may have "rights" that conflict with their own. Didn't our mothers all teach us to share when we were children? Apparently not. Because today, many feminists view embryos and foetus's as competition. A foetus's right to life infringes on a woman's "right" live hers as she sees fit. I guess some people's mothers forget to teach them that you have to live with the consequences of your acts as well. Because, in most cases, if there is a...

Saint Mary's University Students Assaulted by Pro-Abortion Mob

How immature. Listen first people, then criticize later, if you must. Typical...


Heard the morning people on Chom this morning talking about Suleman. Calling her stupid and the doctors as well. Now I don't expect everyone to understand about people believing that their embryos are already human beings that deserve life, but could they at least bring out the whole story and try to understand another person's point of view? The way they talked, for one, there was no mention of the embryos already being there, only that she decides to go and have all these kids when she already had 6. Apparently, there were less than 8 embryos, and she was only expecting one to survive. Eight babies resulted because of fertility hormones and replication of embryos, so some of these babies are identical twins or even triplets. Again, the mother was not going to purposely abort the babies, so what could she do? If she really can't care for all of them, I am sure that many people would be very happy not to have to go to China to adopt. If she does keep them all, she has...

Embryos given life... Mother scorned

LOS ANGELES, February 3, 2009 (LifeSiteNews. com) - According to the grandmother of octuplets born in California last week, rather than allow her leftover frozen embryos to be destroyed, dissected in a laboratory, or frozen indefinitely, their mother chose to give them a chance at life by implanting them in her womb. Little did she expect to give birth to eight relatively healthy babies, or to be deluged first by congratulations, then by scorn, as critics questioned her choice not to selectively abort as a single mother of reportedly little means. Suleman, anonymous at the time, made headlines last Monday when she gave birth to the longest-living set of octuplets on record at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in West Los Angeles. The babies, six boys and two girls, are reported to continue growing in strength. "My family and I are ecstatic about all of their arrivals," said the mother in a statement following the births. The octuplets' grandmother described the babies as "s...

British Environmental Advisor Backs Population Control, Two Kids Per Family How's that for a fricken idiot? Has he checked the birth rate in the UK recently? In 2007 it was 1.90 kids, just under 2 kids per woman. In 2008, it went down to 1.66 per woman . That's already quite a bit less than 2 kids per woman. If a few rare people are having more than two kids, it only balances out the many more that aren't having kids at all... I hate it when people say stupid things, hoping the rest of us are stupid enough to believe anything. Maybe, just maybe, the current economic problems are due in part to the DECLINE of the birthrate? Did he ever think about that? Maybe, just maybe, all those OLDER people not working anymore, but needing to be supported by a constantly declining younger population is causing part of the problem? Did he ever think of that? Maybe, just maybe, if you criminalize women (like China does) for having more than 2 children, the birth rate will be then so low, (because of all the women STILL not havi...

Teach the pleasure of gay sex to children as young as five, say researchers You know, I'm not going to go bashing gays, or beat them up, or whatever. But honestly, could they back off of our children? Heterosexuals don't teach the pleasure of hetero sex to kids at five. Just BACK OFF OKAY! Someone else had this to say and I totally agree: The economy is going to hell in a handbasket. Tax payers are feeling the bite in their pocket and yet having to subsidise our financial services industry because of banking practices that push beyond the boundaries of boldness and yet our government can find a spare £600,000 to advocate teaching five year olds about homosexuality? Five year olds! These children aren't even of the age to read Biff, Chip and Kipper and yet the government finds a spare £600k, in what Alistair Darling calls the worst economic climate for 60 years, to learn whether their sexual attitudes require exploring? Unbelievable. You...

Pope Warns of Easy Outs for Troubled Marriages

Says Commitment Still Possible, Even in Modern Culture VATICAN CITY, JAN. 29, 2009 ( ) The value of Christian marriage runs the risk of being practically destroyed if the sacrament is declared null because of pretexts, says Benedict XVI. The Pope affirmed this today when he addressed the Roman Rota at the beginning of the juridical year. In his reflection, he noted that many topics could be considered, but he chose an evaluation of the implementation of two addresses given by Pope John Paul II more than 20 years ago on the theme of marriage impediments due to psychological problems. Citing the Polish Pope, Benedict XVI lamented that it is still possible to detect the need to preserve the ecclesial community from "the scandal of seeing the value of Christian marriage being practically destroyed by the exaggerated and almost automatic multiplication of declarations of nullity of marriage in cases of the failure of marriage on the pretext of some immaturity or psychic weakn...

Children Are Quick

TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America MARIA: Here it is. TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ? CLASS: Maria. TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor? JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables. TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?' GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L' TEACHER: No, that's wrong GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it. TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? DONALD: H I J K L M N O. TEACHER: What are you talking about? DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O. TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago. WINNIE: Me! TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty? GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are. TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with 'I.' MILLIE: I is . . . TEACHER: No, Millie . . .. Always say, 'I ...