
Showing posts from February, 2007

Encore sur le sujet de soccer

Hier soir j'étais bien pompée à la fin du match de foot. Après 7 défaites, (les uns pires que les autres), nous avons enfin réussi a gagner un match!! Et oui! En plus nous n'avions que trois remplaçants, et un de nos défenseurs s'est foulé la cheville alors pour la deuxième moitié du match, nous n'avions que deux remplaçants pour les attaquants, donc pas de remplaçants pour la défense. Nous perdions 3-5, mais nous avons gagné 7-5!

Le hijab et le soccer

Une joueuse expulsée pour port du hijab RDI en direct : La Directrice générale de la Fédération de soccer du Québec, Brigitte Frot, explique la décision de l'arbitre. L'entraineur de la jeune Asmahan Mansour, Louis Maneiro estime que le hijab ne représente aucun risque Asmahan Mansour et les membres de son équipe de soccer Une équipe de soccer de jeunes filles, du secteur Nepean à Ottawa a quitté un tournoi de soccer à Laval, ce week-end, après qu'une joueuse de l'équipe eut été empêchée de jouer un match parce qu'elle portait le hijab. Asmahan Mansour a été forcé de quitter le terrain, après que l'arbitre de la rencontre eut jugé que son voile représentait un danger physique pour les autres joueuses. lire plus... ...son voile représentait un danger physique pour les autres joueuses. C'est vraiment incroyable ce qu'on va inventer pour empêcher les femmes musulmanes de porter leur hijab. C'est un FOULARD !! Je joue au soccer et ce so...

Homemaking Meme

Aprons (Y/N): Um, I think never. I don't think I even own an apron. Baking (Favorite thing to bake): muffins Clothesline (Y/N): I think there used to be one here, before the previous owners put in a swimming pool. There isn't one anymore. But I wouldn't mind having one. If we could figure out where to put it. Donuts: Chocolate or boston creme/canadian maple at Tim Hortons Every Day (One homemaking thing you do every day): get kids up in the morning, get them fed and off to school, (well weekdays anyway), um I'm not sure there is any one thing I do every single day... but there are things like cook supper that I do almost every day.... wash clothes, load/unload dishwasher... Freezer (Do you have a separate deep freeze?): Yes and when we go to get meat, it is full, but right now we are due to get more, so it is mostly empty. Garbage Disposal (Y/N): No Handbook (What is your favorite homemaking resource?): mom, friends and the internet Ironing (Love it ...

Wha.... not spring already?

Yesterday, I was driving home, and it was sunny (for a change). Something about the position of the sun in the sky and the way it was shining made me think of spring. What? Already?! But winter just started! I haven't skated on the pond enough yet! I broke my back to get all the snow off the pond that got dumped on us, and I haven't even been on to skate since! It can't be spring already!!! Ok, I guess I don't have to panic, the temperature has only mellowed a little bit, and it isn't thawing out there yet. I still have a few weeks left right? I hope. Things can degrade quickly around here. I must make time and get out there.

Bread n Roses Part Two

OK, I'll admit that at first I thought that the site Birth Pangs was for real. The way it was presented, I didn't get that at first. But then I edited my post but not well enough it appears, as I didn't take enough out. I got comments, so I went back and edited some more. I'm not going to take back what is there. I stand by the edited post. Just now I followed a link back there and found the following comments, about me: How focused on demons do you have to be not to get it? Me? Focused on demons? Yeah, I have five of 'em, give me a break already, my demons will be paying your pension one day. A brain can get scrambled with five of those, okay? In all seriousness, I have actually come across serious sites similar to Birth Pangs, all women who had abortions, decided to come and brag about it, and treated children pretty much as disgusting snotty creatures. Pretty sad. So, really, would it be so hard to believe the same possible elsewhere? I checked out th...

The Ten Commandments of Mass

I took all five children to mass yesterday at 4:30 pm, for Ash Wednesday. It was horrible. Are my children just the worst behaved kids or is it just me freaking out? I did have a bad migraine, which didn't help, and there were no other kids, which also doesn't help, when the only source of noise (other than the priest) is coming from my end of the church. I had a 14 month old who was tired and restless and complaining. I had a 4 year old that was restless and wouldn't sit still. I had a six year old that couldn't stay still, and then even the 8 year old got up a couple of times to (un-necessarily) come see me at the back of the church where I was trying to keep the others still. Even just him getting up and walking over made noise, the thump of winter boots and the swish of snowpants rubbing together as he walked. It was very annoying. At one point, I was trying to nurse the baby to shut him up, while trying to grab the 4 year old, who wanted to escape to the ben...

Ash Wednesday

Yesterday was Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday AKA Fat Tuesday) and since there is a tradition of pancakes surrounding Mardi Gras... ... we decide to have some. We also went to the grocery store, where each of the children got to choose one thing they were going to have for dinner (or as it turned out, dessert). Here we have sour candies, chocolate chip cookies, Jos Louis (chocolate cake with cream filling, by Vachon) and there was more... Since we will be giving up sweets (except on Sundays and special days) for Lent, we decided to do it in style and make ourselves sick first. In other news, Valentine's Day was also a very windy, snowy day. Marc and I did make it for dessert at St Hubert's Resto/Pub, but hardly anyone was there. We shoveled snow three times that day, and a good thing too, because the next day, a guy the neighbours hired to come and clear the driveway when it snows a lot, came with his huge snowblower and blew all the snow on the pond . (Aka the skating rink) T...

Breaking News!

Well, not really... But since I am the type of person who's knows nothing about what is going on around her, but will know about things like this, I just thought I would share: Asunción, Paraguay, Miércoles 21 de Febrero de 2007 Locales SALUD NO CONFIRMA SI SE TRATA DE UN CASO DEL TIPO HEMORRAGICO Epidemia es incontenible: Se tienen 654 casos en un día La epidemia de dengue se muestra incontenible. En las últimas 24 horas se tuvieron 654 nuevos casos, contra la media de 400 reportes. El gobierno de Duarte Frutos se empecina en no declarar emergencia ambiental, a pesar del fracaso en controlar la epidemia que nos azota. En 24 horas se registraron, oficialmente, 654 casos nuevos de dengue. De un promedio diario de 400 reportes, ahora recibimos el balde agua fría de que ha subido a 654 en las últimas horas. El número de infectados ha trepado a 10.148, según el listado del Ministerio de Salud Pública. Leer mas URGENT APPEAL FOR GUINEA February 20, 2007 Montreal Led by DEVELOPM...

Survey me...

Just the other day some guy phoned to do a survey on politics and consumerism. The first thing he wanted to know was, what issues did I think were important in the up-coming election campaign. I hesitated a few seconds, and then said "abortion". I'm willing to bet he wasn't expecting that one. He then went on to ask what secondary issues were important to me, at which I kind of drew a blank, (put on the spot like that) thought to myself, "Issues, issues, what issues are floating around out there, oh yeah, the environment..." This seems to have been the response he was hoping for because he then bombarded me with a whole bunch of questions on how important (very important, slightly important, slightly unimportant, very unimportant) I thought each statement was. Was the general state of the earth more or less important than the quality of air in the neighbourhood? A whole bunch of question on nuclear power, which I know next to nothing about, and should...

A must-read:

The one shaped like a bunny escaped with a mild decapitation I laughed my head off at this one.

Moose River - Cree Alias The Shihbastik

This song is from Cree Alias The Shihbastik . A guy from Moosonee. I have to laugh every time I hear the beginning, (oh heck, the whole song) because of the dialect/accent. That's Moosonee/Moose Factory for you. That's how I used to talk too... Besides, how can you not love a song that talks about hunting, the Polar Bear Express , drinking tea on the front porch, (me man) and teepees in the back yard ... You know, there might not be a drop of Cree blood in me, but it doesn't matter. This song speaks to me of a place I used to call home. A place I still call home. It speaks to me of who I AM. I might not be the cree man providin' for his cree clan, (I don't hunt) but I can relate to pretty much everything else, including the love of nature and the outdoors, the bush and the river, "way up and way down, across the river to the base..."


Sniff! Come back! I miss you! I hope you still come by here from time to time. Your blog has been shut down, and I tried finding your profile by clicking on your name from a comment you wrote, oh, last Valentine's Day... (2006) If you are still out there, please drop me a message! If you have a new blog, please let me know where it is...

Happy Valentine's Day!

This is what my children are getting for Valentine's day: This is what my husband is getting for Valentine's Day: (filled with calvados and Amarula mixtures) Want one?

I have sent in my order...

... for genuine moose hide gloves. I have been wanting to replace the leather gloves I have now with ones that actually fit. The ones I have were a bit tight when I bought them and they didn't have any larger sizes, so the lady told me they'd stretch. What she didn't tell me is that gloves that are too small for you do absolutely nothing to keep your hands warm when it is very cold. In fact I could almost swear that my fingers keep warmer without them on! So I was talking to my sister Rose Anne the other day and mentioned that I would get some made in Moose Factory, except that I didn't know if I could actually depend on anyone to get them here. She reminded me that our brother Cecil is going next week. So I called him up and put in an order. (These ones are from the North West Territories though, not from MF)

Bread n Roses

(edited February 8, 2007) When the Bread n Roses march started out, it seemed a noble cause: a march against the poverty of women and children. What could be more noble? Ok, some of them might be pro-abortion, but personal beliefs aside, the cause was a good one, right? Well, either they had a hidden agenda or they have sadly degenerated since then, because Suzanne from Big Blue Wave had a link to this : I'm strongly tempted to start a factious campaign to legislate against pregnancy. After all many aren't informed about the dangers of pregnancy and suffer physical and psychological damage. Many have pregnancy thrust upon them. Rates of death also known as maternal morbidity are between 4&5 per 100,000 births. While this may seem low these deaths could have been avoided if we had laws against pregnancy. Many women regret their decision to continue their pregnancy for the rest of their lives. Causing them guilt and depression. So now they would like to legislate against...

Une autre journée magnifique

Hier, nous avons eu une autre superbe journée d'hiver quand la température se maintient autour de zéro, pas trop froid, mais pas assez chaud pour tout fondre... Une journée parfaite, non?! Nous avons passé une grand partie de la journée dehors (nous = ceux qui étaient à la maison avec moi, Nicolas, Gabriel et Maryssa (qui récupérait d'un gastro) avec ma voisine et son fils. Ici, Maryssa patine et les gars courent en arrière. Jean-Alexandre et Dominic nous ont rejoint après l'école. Ici, Jean-Alexandre s'est planté. Et ici, Jean-Alexandre poursuit Dominic. Mais voyons! De telles choses ne se passent jamais chez nous! C'est toujours la paix entre ces deux là, d'habitude. (ha!) Je l'aime bien cette photo là...