
Showing posts from May, 2005

Children, dogs and... soccer

I have three children in soccer. Last year I only had two, and they were on the same day. This year, I tried to get them signed up on different days, but that didn't work out, and they are ALL THREE on the same day. The good thing is, the two youngest play at the same place, at the same time. My oldest however, plays at a different place every week, but at THE SAME TIME as the others. Technically though, he is supposed to be there 15 minutes early, which means there is a coach waiting there, 15 minutes early, so I can drop him off early and then take the two others to their games. I also pick him up about 10-15 minutes after his game, once the two youngest are done. But he is 11 now, so that's not a big deal. The sad thing is, I do not get to watch ANY of his games, since I basically stay to watch the two youngest, especially Maryssa who is only five and still needs that parental encouragement... ANYWAY, I thought, yesterday, that I would be on time for everything,... I had bro...

Typical Canadian Humour, et the expense of our Neighbours...

I would like to say that the following does not entirely represent my own personal views and to apologize to any Americans who might be reading this... "On behalf of Canadians everywhere I'd like to offer an apology to the United States of America. We haven't been getting along very well recently and for that, I am truly sorry. I'm sorry we called George Bush a moron. He is a moron but, it wasn't nice of us to point it out. (OK, I have to point out that I don't actually believe George Bush is a moron. However, I do have a hard time with a lot of his policies, especially that so-called war on terrorism...) If it's any consolation, the fact that he's a moron shouldn't reflect poorly on the people of America. After all it's not like you actually elected him. I'm sorry about our softwood lumber. Just because we have more trees than you doesn't give us the right to sell you lumber that's cheaper an better than your own. (Where...


L'Avortement Jeanne Chabot 11 juin 2004 Je me disputais avec quelqu'un sur la question de l'avortement. Lui comparait l'embryon à une masse de cellules telle un kyste. Un embryon, selon lui, n'est pas un être humain. On ne devient être humain qu'après trois mois de grossesse. "La cour suprême l'a dit..." Pas pire pareil, cela vient de la même bouche qui se moque des Catholiques qui "suivent le Pape aveuglement". Et d'où on tire ce chiffre magique? À minuit, le jour où bébé aura trois mois de gestation, pouf! La Fée Bleue lui apparaît telle qu'à Pinocchio et lui donne vie? Le fait qu'on puisse comparer un embryon, aussi inachevé qu'il soit, à un kyste, me parait incroyable. Ça ne prend pas un cours de biologie pour savoir que dès la conception, un embryon en santé développera inévitablement des bras, des jambes, un ceour, un cerveau... à moins de lui enlever la vie avant qu'il ne puisse le faire bien sûr. Il ...

Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code, the Catholic Church and Opus Dei A response to The Da Vinci Code from the Prelature of Opus Dei in Canada. 20 January 2005 Many readers are intrigued by the claims about Christian history and theology presented in The Da Vinci Code. We would like to remind them that The Da Vinci Code is a work of fiction, and it is not a reliable source of information on these matters. The book has raised public interest in the origins of the Bible and of central Christian doctrines such as the divinity of Jesus Christ. These topics are important and valuable to study, and we hope that interested readers will be motivated to study some of the abundant scholarship on them that is available in the non-fiction section of the library. Readers who do further research and exercise critical judgment will discover that assertions made in The Da Vinci Code about Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, and Church history lack support among reputable scholars. By way of example, the book popu...

Soccer Pics from Last Week

Maryssa bringing up the ball
Jean-Alexandre going for a big kick
Gabriel kicking the soccer ball
Dominic, playing soccer

Moose Factory Ontario, April 2005

Christina and her good friends who helped take care of her father, John Delaney as if he were their own father as well. Samantha (back left) and Christina (back right) who still live in Moose Factory, Robin (front left) who sent me the pics and came from Thunder Bay to help out and Phoebe (front right) who came all the way from Northern Ireland to be with them.
My sister Rose Anne and I at Christina and Victor's... 
My brother Jean Pierre and I, sitting in Christina and Victor Linklaters' house, when we went up for the funeral of Christina's father, John Delaney. 
Our House, May 17, now that the flowers are blooming... 
Gabriel by the lake today (May 17) 

Going to the Dogs

Here is an interesting read,... something I have noticed myself, the less people have children, the more they have dogs... I'm just glad Canada hasn't quite gotten to the stage some European countries are at because we'd be in serious trouble for "mis-treating" our poor dog, who doesn't get much attention, since we have four kids that do... Lady, You Have One Ugly Kid! By Eric Scheske If you haven't heard, you haven't been listening: Europe is grossly under-birthed, and the United States isn't far behind. (Canada can't be far behind either, especially Québec.) For a society to replace its population, demographers say each woman needs to average 2.1 children. Germany is at 1.3, Italy 1.2, Spain 1.1, and France 1.7. The rest of Europe might be a little better or a little worse (I don't have the stat in front of me, but I believe the Netherlands is at .9). Blue states in the US are sli...

Five year wait for JP II waived...

"So the process of beatification for John Paul II has been accelerated." My husband tells me this with just a HINT of sarcasm in his voice (Oh please, why can't the media just let the pope(s) be and stop reporting on the Vatican and its activities, I don't need to hear my husband's horribly uninformed and totally biased comments on every last thing the Vatican does.) "And what miracle did HE perform?" (His whole attitude just communicates how ridiculous he thinks the idea of John Paul II being a saint is.) I explain he didn't have to perform a miracle during his lifetime, most saints never did. And beatification isn't canonisation, he would only be blessed. For him to be beatified, there has to have been a verifiable miracle, an event un-explainable by scientists, attributed to him, asked for by intercession on his part, and that my sister has already heard of one person who attributes his healing (which took place after JP II's death) to J...

Blame it on the Church...

To all those out there who would blame the problem of AIDS in Africa on the Church's refusal to promote condoms as a way of preventing AIDS: 1. If a couple were following the Church's teaching on sexuality, they wouldn't need condoms to prevent AIDS because neither of them would be having sex outside of marriage. Find me ONE person, just ONE person who can validly say: "I should never have followed Church teaching on sexuality, if my wife/husband and I hadn't both followed Church teaching on abstinence and fidelity, I would not have AIDS today." 2. Either you are following Church teaching or you are not following Church teaching. If you decided to have sex outside of marriage and didn't use a condom and got AIDS, that is YOUR fault, you are the stupid one. Don't blame the Church. Find me ONE couple, just ONE couple in this world who have decided not to follow Church teaching on abstinence and fidelity, (or Muslim teaching or Jewish teaching for that ma...


Il y a peut-être un an de cela, une amie m'a dit qu'elle avait entendu dire certains gens traiter Marie-Jeunesse de secte. Mon mari ne connait pas Marie-Jeunesse, mais il est convaincu qu'Opus Dei est un secte et le livre "Le code DaVinci" n'a fait, bien sur, qu'affirmer ses croyances. Pourquoi est-ce que quand un groupe suit le Vatican et ses enseignements et encourage les autres à le faire aussi, même des personnes à l'intérieur de l'Église le traitent de secte?! La suite logique à cela serait de dire que le Vatican lui-même est un secte! Alors ces gens-là pensent quoi? Qu'ils ont la vérité et que c'est le Vatican qui en a dévié? Qu'ils sont les vrais catholiques, alors que le Vatican n'a pas de bons sens? Il y a presque 15 ans j'ai fait partie de Marie-Jeunesse, avant que ce groupe ne devienne communauté religieuse. Laissez-moi vous dire que Marie-Jeunesse n'a rien d'un secte. Libre à vous d'y aller ou d'y par...

Finally! A sunny day!

After weeks of rain, it sure is nice to see the sun again! Not writing much lately as I am always tired and often have a headache (like right now). Usually when I'm tired I get headaches in the afternoon, now they don't bother waiting for the afternoon anymore, I either wake up with a headache or I get one a few hours later... am looking forward to getting back some more energy... but not to getting a huge belly. Need to find myself a midwife, or I'll be having this baby alone... (there's an idea...) OK, time to go make lunch. (Actually, it was time to make lunch an hour ago)