Theology of the Body for Teens

Just ordered this for my kids; The theology of the Body for Teens DVD Series. Got it with the workbook and the leader's guide. A little expensive, but I consider it investing in my children's future. That is worth all the money in the world to me. Hopefully, this will make them better prepared than I was.

I was rather ignorant and very naive myself. Also very trusting. Too trusting. Were I ever single again, I'd probably be one of those frustrated women who'd have a hard time trusting any guy again. I know there are trustworthy guys out there, because my brothers and my father are trustworthy. But gosh, for every guy willing to wait, there are hundreds who only want to hop into the sack with you right off the bat. Who'll dump you quicker'n that if you don't comply.

Were I ever single again, I'd probably end up a hermit.


  1. Hmmm - a most controversial subject area. I can't comment on your ideology but I admire your stance as an involved, educated parent.

  2. :) I know, not a very popular ideology.

  3. I didn't want to comment because (I believe) it is a personal issue. If it makes you feel any better - 50% of our female graduates this year believe as you do. This is a lot higher than it was 10 years ago.

  4. That actually surprises me.

    Living in Québec, the MOST liberal province and the LEAST religious, I guess I forget that the rest of Canada isn't quite the same.

    That it is higher doesn't necessarily surprise me though. I think young people have seen the results of the sexual revolution and don't want the same thing.

    My ideology IS a personal thing, tis true... not just a religious thing. I could give anyone willing to listen some very good reasons why I would do things differently if there were a next time, that have absolutely nothing to do with religion. Well, maybe they do, if you believe life itself has everything to do with religion, but I can do it without ever mentioning God once.

    Although I am willing to bet that most psychologists/sexologists would totally miss the points I made, and try to "cure" me of the supposed (irrational) guilt I have.


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