
Showing posts from July, 2010

Choc Culturel - Version française

(Désolée d'avance pour les fautes, c'est plus dur traduire au français que d'écrire un texte original en français, alors il y en aura surement plusieurs fautes et tournures de phrases bizarres...) J'avais 18 ans lorsque je suis arrivée à Québec, toute seule.  À part un court séjour de 4 mois à Timmins, Ontario, je n'avais jamais vécu nul part (du moins pas depuis mes plus lointains souvenirs) en dehors de Moose Factory, Ontario. Si je m'en étais aller vivre en Inde ou en Chine, je me serais peut-être attendue à des coutumes différentes, mais je ne m'en allais pas plus loin que  le Québec.  À part le défi linguistique que cela imposait, ça ne pouvait pas être si différent que ça, non? Eh bien, oui, ça le pouvait. L'ex-chum gabonais de ma soeur est allé visiter Moose Factory avec elle il y a quelques années de cela.  Il a été surpris de découvrir que même au Canada, le tiers-monde existe. Quand j'ai voyagé au Paraguay, beaucoup de coutumes...

Andrew Allen

A couple of months ago, a friend of mine shared this video on facebook: I watched it, and I said to myself, "Self, here is a guy who can just write up a song like that on the fly, sing it with a big smile on his face, and it sounds good with nothing accompanying him but the guitar."  And myself replied, "We have to check this guy out." So we did.  We checked out some songs on youtube, we joined the fan page on facebook, and from there, we found out about his website: From the updates on the facebook fanpage, we discovered a few more songs including " Loving you tonight " which has to be my new favourite song, and " Not loving you ".  I'm the kind of girl who listens to the lyrics in a song and gets a kick out of them.  Bad lyrics ruin otherwise good music for me.  Lyrics I can't stand will just make me hate a song in spite of catchy music behind it.  I like songs that ta...

Pet Peeves

1.  Cheap cotton stretch shirts/dresses that look nice the first time you wear them, but totally loose their shape after one wash or two. 2.  Driving down the road, then slowing down gradually, putting the blinker on to turn, then having some idiot swerve around you honking like mad at you for slowing down to turn, as if you'd just suddenly slammed on the breaks with no indication whatsoever that you were going to turn.  Keep your eyes OPEN people!!!  Red break lights means the person in front of you is SLOWING DOWN.  A blinker blinking means they are TURNING.  Get it?  Got it?  GOOD!!! 3.  Trying to find shoes/sandals/footwear for feet that are probably a size 9 or so, but have toes so long they bring it to a size 11.  The arch is never in the right place, the toes are often squashed, and size 11 thongs have your toes overlapping the front, with about an inch of space in the back, because the thong isn't back far enough. Ther...