Alternative medicine
It's impossible to get mainstream healthcare (unless it's a real emergency) in this province, so I've decided to go the alternative health care route. Okay, that's not the only reason, I also really prefer natural, less invasive methods to some of the mainstream medical practices. I really appreciated my mid-wife when I had my last child. I will never go back to a hospital for childbrth. I know a girl who took her son to a chiropractor when he had an earache and it fixed the problem. I'd forgotten that, until I came across something recently written by another woman who regularly takes her daughter to a chiropractor for health care. I decided to look chiropractors and earaches up on the internet and came across this . Ear pain is the number one reason for child visits to chiropractors. Many chiropractors believe that there is a strong link between the birthing process and recurrent ear infection, also known as otitis media. During the birthing process, cervical (nec...