
Showing posts from December, 2007

Bravo Mario Dumont! Tu l'as bien compris!!!

Mario Dumont exige un moratoire au primaire (Québec, 12 décembre 2007) Le chef de l'Opposition officielle, M. Mario Dumont, accompagné du porte-parole de l'ADQ en matière d'éducation, M. François Desrochers, a exigé un moratoire sur le cours Éthique et culture religieuse au niveau primaire. Le chef adéquiste s'inquiète du contenu de ce cours qui pourrait créer de la confusion chez les élèves. « Le nouveau cours ne donne aucune prépondérance claire à l'héritage religieux du Québec, qui est partie intégrante de notre identité en tant que Québécois. On sème la confusion chez les enfants lorsque l'on nie la prépondérance de la fête de Noël ou de Pâques. Je demande donc un moratoire sur la mise en place de ce cours au primaire afin que la ministre de l'Éducation revoit son contenu pour qu'il reflète la réalité québécoise et l'importance ...

Endless Highways and the like

Juana is back... after a few storms and such. I have managed to power up once again and the wind is just right out here in the Bermuda triangle. (Sometimes I think my own mind is a Bermuda Triangle.) Ahhh, Bon Jovi, one of my favourites. Yes, I could go down that endless highway, and gladly too. Gollum has been acting up again, I try to explain why I feel the way I do about things, but his eyes cloud over and I know he is tuning me out. "My precious" he mutters and no longer hears me. Thankfully I do not have to put up with him too much, as he does not come to visit too often. The Gypsy Queen was here around Christmas time and although we do not always agree on everything, it is always nice to have someone around who understands you, in spite of your differences. A new person has come to visit me on my island, a certain Mr. Tumnus. A very likable fellow, in spite of his having hooves and horns. I invited him for tea, forgot that I didn't have tea leaves, but he had...

Lost Highway

This sounds like a song for Juana la Cubana Bon Jovi Lyrics Lost Highway Lyrics

Faith in God? Rational?

By Chuck Colson 12/28/2007 I’ve got to hand it to the new wave of militant atheists like Christopher Hitchens and arch-Darwinist Richard Dawkins. They are getting their message out, in best-selling books and in page-one articles in major newspapers like the Washington Post . Their message is simple: There is no God, and people who believe there is a God are simply being irrational. But is faith in God truly irrational? The much-respected philosopher Alvin Plantinga is well-versed in the arguments employed by these atheists. He has debated his secular colleagues many times on the question: “Is it reasonable to presuppose that God exists?” Their response, of course, is “no” because they believe only in physical phenomena and a material universe. Plantinga then asks them whether it is rational to believe that other people have minds. After all, there is scarcely more material evidence that other people have minds, as distinct from brains, th...

Pics from Nicky's Birthday

Here he is, opening his first present on his birthday: Here he is, happy to get still another new car: Maryssa with Nicky, posing in his new Cars pyjamas Nicky's Birthday party cake (Dec 8): Nicky blowing out the candles: The Pinata: I couldn't resistst adding this bumper sticker: Rear end view with licence plates and bumper sticker: Nicky, hitting his pinata: Here he is wearing the soccer warm up suit he got from us, his hair done by Jean-Alexandre, Beckham-style: Nicky, wearing the Cars pyjamas that he got from our neighbours, and that he wouldn't take off for two days until I finally had to wash them:

Woman abandons home to escape public schools

POLICE STATE, USA Woman abandons home to escape public schools Judge ordered homeschooler to enroll kids or lose custody Posted: December 20, 2007 1:00 a.m. Eastern By Bob Unruh © 2007 A Utah woman who was ordered by a juvenile court judge to enroll her children in public school or lose custody of them has abandoned her home, furniture and other possessions to escape the order. Denise Mafi, a nine-year veteran of homeschooling , has confirmed to WND she and her children packed up their essentials – clothes and homeschool materials – and fled Utah over the weekend, spending more than 50 hours on a bus trip to an undisclosed part of the country. There she has obtained an empty home and is spending the Christmas break trying to find beds for her children and herself. After the New Year she will involve the children in a local homeschooling process. read more...

Cree humour

Got this in my inbox: Top 10 ways things would be different if Santa were Aboriginal 10> At bedtime, kids would leave dry meat and bannock for the big guy. 9> He would wear a red turtleneck to hide his hickeys. 8> Santa's new moccassins are made out of Dasher. 7> His name would be "Santa Bear Claws" instead of Santa Claus. 6> There would be a bingo marker under every tree. 5> His elves would never show up for work on Fridays and sometimes on Mondays too! 4> His sleigh would need a boost every other province. 3> His outfit would consist of a red flannel ribbon shirt, with matching leggings, moccassins and a beaded black belt with matching beaded rimmed hat all to match his oversized gift bag; underneath it all would be a beaded thong with a small delicate plume attached to the back. 2> Indian preference hiring would require you to hire all Crees to fit in those tiny elf outfits. And the number one way things would be different if Santa were India...

Option to abortion for sick or expected to die unborn babies

An article on the trouble with diagnosing un-born babies and the risk of error. Also mentions the option of hospices for babies expected to die after birth and their families. So families can spend as much time as they can within a supportive atmosphere.
From Days Go By THE UNCREDITED GOOGLE IMAGE MEME (type the answer to the following questions into Google Image, then pick from the first page.) 1. Age at my next birthday: 2.Place I'd like to travel: 3. Place I've been: 4.Favorite food: 5.Place I was born: 6. Place I live: 7. Name of past pet: 8.Best friends' nickname: (I chose 4 good friends) 9. My first name: 10. First job:

El problema de los chicos de la calle

Asunción, Paraguay, Domingo 09 de Diciembre de 2007 Social EL PRESUPUESTO EJECUTADO DE LA SNNA ES DE G. 6.430.903.437 Con más de G. 7.000 millones, aún no hay solución para 500 niños Serían unos 500 niños en situación de riesgo y de calle en Asunción y Gran Asunción, 30 de ellos desvinculados de su familia. No es posible determinar la cantidad en todo el país. ¿Si son 500 niños, cómo es que aún no se encuentra una solución eficaz, siendo el presupuesto de la SNNA de G. Serían unos 500 los niños en situación de calle y de riesgo en Asunción y Gran Asunción, y alrededor de 30 quienes estarían desvinculados de sus familias. Para el año 2007, la Secretaría Nacional de la Niñez y la Adolescencia (SNNA) cuenta con un presupuesto de G., y de eso se ejecutó la suma de G. 6.430.903.437. Diciembre es el mes de mayor afluencia de la niñez en situación de riesgo en las calles. Se estima que en la Gran Asunción serían unos 500. (Foto: Malena Olivetti) Es llamativo ...

Cleaning - My favourite chore (not)

I think it is a safe guess that I will be up half the night tonight, doing housework. I was supposed to have all day to do it today, but I remembered I had to go to the CLSC to help out with weighing babies this morning, so that shot the morning to bits. Then I came home, fixed lunch and was going to do some while Nicky was still sleeping, except he woke up 5 minutes after I was done eating. Then I had to take Gabriel to the neighbour's to play with the neighbour boy, and the other kids arrived home not long after. Since then I have been mostly dealing with kids and meals and getting people places and bringing them back. With all these kids it takes me 5 times as long to do anything. I keep forgetting this. I have managed to clean half the diningroom/kitchen and all of the livingroom upstairs. The children were supposed to do some cleaning of their own, but not that much got done. I also have another neighbour boy over for the night tonight. It's a good thing though, t...


Tout ce que je peux dire c'est "Bravo Brad Pitt!" J'espère que tous ceux qui n'arrêtent pas de faire des commentaires sur Brad et la paternité ainsi que les adoptions d'Angelina, vont se taire maintenant. (Non c'est surement trop demander) Mais oui, on peut être Brad Pitt et quand même aimer les enfants et même vouloir en adopter avec sa copine. Incroyable n'est-ce pas? Vous trouvez qu'il a l'air fatigué et pas bien dans sa peau? Et bien, moi j'en ai cinq et je suis certaine que des fois j'ai l'air fatiguée et pas bien dans ma peau mais cela ne veut pas dire que d'en avoir c'était une erreure ni que j'en ai eu trop, ni que mon partenaire ne m'a pas donné le choix... franchement, ce qu'on peut être idiots pareil. Quand on ne sait plus quoi écrire, il faut inventer n'est-ce pas? (BUM) Pour Brad Pitt, la paternité est le travail le plus valorisant. Se...

Happy Birthday to Nicolas

My baby is now two. Not much of a baby anymore, but very much a strong-headed two-year-old. I'd post pictures, except that we are now using the new computer and I don't think the program for uploading pictures is installed quite yet.

St Nicholas's Feast Day - December 6

American Minute with Bill Federer December 6 Greek Orthodox history tells of Nicholas being born to a wealthy, elderly couple in what is now Turkey in the year 280 AD. When his parents died, he generously gave to the poor. Upon hearing of a merchant who went bankrupt and that creditors were about to take his daughters, Nicholas threw money in the window at night to provide a dowry for the daughters to get married, thus saving them from a life of prostitution. When the father discovered who gave the money, Nicholas made him promise not to tell, inspiring the custom of secret gift-giving on the anniversary of Nicholas' death, which was DECEMBER 6, 343 AD. Nicholas became Bishop of Myra , was imprisoned under Emperor Diocletian's persecution and was freed by Constantine. He attended the Council of Nicaea, helped write the Nicene Creed and preached against the fertility goddess "Diana" at Ephesus, resulting in her temple being torn down. In the 12th century,...


Nicolas was climbing up on the window sill this morning yelling "Papa! Papa!" through the window. When I went to get him, Gabriel told me,"He wanted to say bye but he (Papa) already gone-ded."

That Golden Compass Again...

You can watch several videos on the Golden Compass here: I only watched about 6 or 7 of them and here are some of my thoughts: 1. "The ruling power destroyed it (the compass) and forbade the very mention of dust (which was always there, from before the beginning) ..." as they show the image of something that quite ressembles the Vatican... I get so tired of hearing subtle (and not-so-subtle) attacks on the Catholic Church. The Church to me is more than some institution of power. It is the Faith, the Communion of Saints, the Sacred Writings and Tradition handed down through the centuries, the er,... "cheminement" as some things were thrown out or changed or bettered. It is not only priests and bishops and the pope, it is the parishioners too. It is me. You attack the Catholic Church, you attack me. I realize that in Québec, priests and Bishops had a lot of power and some of them abused it. But this is not...

Glorifying a lying, rebellious brat

DR. TED BAEHR MOVIE GUIDE DR. TED BAEHR Glorifying a lying, rebellious brat Posted: December 4, 2007 1:00 a.m. Eastern Despite the hype, "The Golden Compass" is a mediocre movie with lots of eye candy and too many boring speeches. However, given the promotion budget, many people will see the movie and probably will forget how dull the first two-thirds are, because the battle sequences are so engaging. Without going into the review of the movie (that you will be able to access at the day the film opens ), it is important to understand what's wrong with children seeing "The Golden Compass." While most commentators are focusing on the atheism and paganism in the book, the movie has been slightly toned down so that the more troubling elements are the person of the heroine herself and some of the movie's themes. Children learn their scripts of behavior from movies and entertainment . The more intelligent the ...

Something Interesting from Feminists For Life:

During her oral argument before the Supreme Court, attorney Sarah Weddington argued in favor of legalized abortion —in part— because “a pregnancy can completely disrupt her life….It disrupts her education.” She noted that some women are forced out of college simply because they are pregnant. Rather than using the legal system to address inequities in education or the workplace, arguing that women are strong and capable, Weddington argued that women need "relief" from these societal pressures through abortion. Unlike Weddington, Feminists for Life’s summer intern and pro-woman, pro-life student leader, Chaunie doesn't underestimate the ability of women to overcome complex problems. Chaunie (pronounced “shawnee”) has asked me to share her story with you. This is the first of her letters, and your invitation to share her journey as she faces challenges, receives support, and most of all—to celebrate her unplanned joy. Serrin M. Foster President...