Soccer Mom

I finally had a pretty relaxed day today. Stayed home, did some housework, but not all that much, took it easy,... had the supper all made by five,... kids in bed by 8:00.

This competitive soccer is going to drive me nuts I think. I mean, I really want my kids to get better at soccer if they can, but all this driving around... I'm only one person, and they always have to put everything on the same nights. Dominic and Jean-Alexandre both have soccer practice on Mondays. Dominic, from 5:00 to 6:30 and Jean-Alexandre from 6:30 to 8:00. But Jean-Alexandre's practice is 1/2 an hour away from Dominic's! So I have to leave at 5:30 from Dominic's practice, take Jean-Alexandre to his, (he gets there 1/2 an hour early) go back and get Dominic, and drive back out to Jean-Alexandre's practice and then drive home again. I feel like all I do is drive around like a madwoman. All this while dragging three young kids (who really should be in bed).

Add to that, in a couple of weeks the games start, and both Maryssa and Dominic will be playing on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 6:30, but not in the same place, and most of Jean-Alexandre's games will also be on Thursdays (although some are on Saturdays and even Sunday) and those are all about at 6:45, except they are not even in town. The closest are at Marieville, 20 minutes from home. (On highway) The others are up to an hour away. I'll have to drive him to his coach's place half the time and he'll have to go with his coach, because I won't be able to drive him, and I won't be able to watch most of his games, and I won't be able to watch Dominic's games either anymore... I wonder how long it will take me to have a nervous breakdown. And they say a mother's job is easy... (Well, maybe it is, as long as you don't complicate it.)

So, add to that the fact that I have a young baby that requires a lot of attention, and it shouldn't be surprising if I don't get to update here very often.


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