Two weeks ago I wrote to you about our most recent effort to rehabilitate child slaves in India through a collaboration with the South Asian Coalition on Child Servitude (SACCS).
I'm pleased to tell you that, since then, we have raised nearly $3,000. That already brings us three-quarters the way to our goal of $4,000! We hope to raise the last $1,000 by February 28 — the last day of our campaign.
To learn how exactly the money gets spent and what your contribution — whatever the amount — could mean for these children, please visit our website. Provide a child one month's medical care ($8), feed an a child for one month ($30), or provide shelter for an entire ashram, or rehabilitation center, for a month ($1,400).
How you choose to help is up to you; click here to donate what you can to help these young victims of slavery.
Our sincerest thanks for your generosity and continued support!
In Freedom,
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