Of shoes...

As I have mentioned before, I am a tall, broad-shouldered woman. I don't have curves. What I do have is long everything, long legs, long arms, long fingers, long toes. If it weren't for the long legs, I'd have an easier time finding a husband who was taller than me. If it weren't for the long toes, I'd have an easier time finding nice shoes that actually fit.

The last time I went shoe shopping, I spent the whole day, doing ALL of the stores in St-Jean, and finally ended up in Montreal in the evening, before finding a pair of shoes, size 11, for women, that didn't have huge soles to make my feet look like hummers. They weren't even the nicest pair of shoes I've ever seen, rather basic, boring black.

Today, determined to not to go there again, I decided to check out the shoe store at the START of the season, BEFORE I even need shoes, when there is the most chance of there being any shoes in my size, that fit my demands. I went to Naturalizer, fully expecting to pay $100 for a pair shoes. (I did have a 25% off coupon though.) I didn't want black if I could help it. I didn't want boring if I could help it. I DID want them to be comfortable, stylish, and NOT chunky.

There was this pair of shoes, which were very comfortable, if a bit boring (no details to speak of... I like details, not huge funky details, but nice small classy details.), but nice anyway, especially with jeans, even if the heels are a bit high, (2 inches).

And then, there was this pair of shoes, which I fell in love with. Love, love, love the colour, love the classy details, like the shape of the heel... BUT (and yes, sigh.... there is ALWAYS a but...) look at the SIZE of the heels. Have I mentioned before that I don't like high heels? Low heels I don't mind. Anything up to an inch, maybe an inch and a half is okay. Less is better if I'm going out with the husband. But these heels measure 3 1/2 inches high!! I DO NOT need 3 1/2 extra inches on me! If I could only have had the exact same ones, only in a lower heel...

Still, I really liked the shoes, and I hesitated. I am sure I would have taken the more boring, but more practical ones and left the ones I really wanted behind, except that...

The saleslady said she'd go and tell me how much each pair was, to help me out with the decision. Turns out they were both on sale for $2o and $30 instead of $100 and $110. Need I say more? I got both. The high heels will (hopefully) serve when I am not going out with the husband. (Which does happen a lot) Unless I forget them in my closet.

Long legs, long strides right? Not in these shoes. Going down the stairs, I lean backwards so I don't plunge forwards... I am going to have to learn how to walk all over again...



I don't know what I was thinking. Why did I think I could buy these things and actually wear them? How can anyone wear shoes that put the weight of your whole body on your toes? I'm trying to break them in, but I feel like returning them... I'm almost certain I'll never wear them, they just aren't made for how I walk. I can't walk around in tiny steps... arrrrghhh!


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