Who I am is More Important than What I am

If you judge a group of people by their worst individuals, then NO group of people is innocent of hateful crimes and if you judge each individual by the social/ethnic groups they find themselves in, then every individual must be guilty of hateful crimes. This is what Marxism looks like. It doesn't care about the individuals, it only cares about the ideology. It puts people in groups and pits "haves" against "have nots" or "aggressors" against "victims" without ever looking at the individual actions of a person.

Marxism would have you judge every individual based on WHAT they are and not WHO they are. If you do not judge all teachers or sports coaches based on the actions of the worst among them, if you do not judge all Hollywood directors based on the actions of the worst of them, then neither can you judge ALL priests nor ALL police officers based on the actions of the worst of them. There are sexual predators, physical abusers, and abusers of power in ALL of these groups. And yet I don't see anyone calling for shutting down public schools or sports clubs or Hollywood. We KNOW that we can't judge everyone based on the actions of a few. Oh, unless they are Catholic priests or police officers, clearly.

Marxism doesn't care about the individual. Take Chairman Mao for example from the Chinese Communist Party. He held "correct thinking" to be more important than any individual, your spouse, your child, your parents, even yourself. "incorrect thinking" was punished in the Soviet Union, in Communist China, in Cuba and in Venezuela. Take a look at this video from 1970; Communists on Campus, and listen to the Marxist/Communist student activists spouting ideology one-liners with no real depth or understanding of problems nor how to solve them. They consistently quote Chairman Mao's Red book, they believe (and I quote directly from them:) "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the banner of freedom and independence of our people and also a powerful weapon of building socialism and communism." In retrospect, we might call them delusional, but so is ANYONE who thinks that THEIR version of Marxism will be any different! It's been tried enough times, in different enough times, places and situations that we should KNOW by now that it doesn't work! As Dr. Jordan B. Peterson says, "How many people have to die?" I quote again, from the video, a clip taken at a talk, where the speaker says this: "The people who will be speaking on this panel... they were chosen because of their correct practice..." If THAT doesn't say it all, I don't know what does. With Marxism, there is ONE correct way of thinking, ONE correct practice, you will follow party lines or suffer the consequences. 

Take Russia for instance, Dr. Peterson, who has read the Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn, among other books, tells this story in his lectures: After the newly emancipated farmworkers had harvested the crops (and it wasn't a great harvest) the grain was all taken to the cities, none was left for them. (Because it had to be EQUALLY distributed, see?) Those farmers who now had no grain could not even go back into the fields to search for maybe the few grains that had been left behind, with which to feed their families, because that was punishable by death. If they found more grain, that too, had to be shipped to the cities. Thousands starved. As Dr. Peterson says, with equality of outcome, "we are all equal to starve to death." 

No one is equal in everything. We all have advantages and disadvantages. We all have good things in life and we all have to deal with some bad things. We do not have the same talents or interests. We do not want to put in the same effort or time for the same purpose. Only by great tyranny can you force every person to be "equal." 

Here's what you DON'T do: you DON'T assume a priest is a pedophile simply because he is a priest. You DON'T call the cops on a Black man for simply being a Black man. You DON'T yell at an Indigenous girl to "go back to the reserve" simply because she's Indigenous. You DON'T beat up the white kid simply because he's white. You DON'T shoot the police officer simply because he's an officer.

If you are going to judge a person, you DON'T judge them by their skin colour, ethnicity, career, choice of sport or religion. You DO judge them by their individual actions. Are they an asshat or not? 

Here's what you DO. Does your life suck? Quit wanting to bring others down to your level, so everyone's life can equally suck. Instead of working on other people, you start with the person that you CAN change. Yourself. What would make your life better? What would make your life worthwhile? What are YOU doing (or not doing) that is preventing you from having that life? Change THAT. Years ago, when I felt that life was like a prison, I made a few changes in my attitude and I decided to work pro-actively towards a few goals. This changed everything. My life is not perfect, and it isn't even all that much different, but it is good. If we all worked on OURSELVES, this world would be a much better place.

Does life change, if you don't? - Quora


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