Kniteologically Possessed

You’ll need to read one or both of the following articles in order to understand this post. Cast Off - How knitters Turned Nasty and Knitting's Infinity War Part III - Showdown at Yarningham

Talk about #ideologicallypossessed as Jordan Peterson calls it:

“Ideology is a much-abused word. Many who bandy about this term are under the mistaken notion that ideology is synonymous with strongly holding to philosophical or theological truths. On the contrary, ideology is, instead, an intellectual system of ideas or rigid abstract formulas mixed with scientific jargon and some empirical facts that claims knowledge about reaching perfection in the temporal order. ” - George Marlin, “Catholicism: Not Ideology”.

Ideologies tend to use one group of people as the scapegoats. In Nazi Germany, it was the Jews, in the Soviet Union, it was the Bourgeoisie.

Ideologies also turn people on the same side against each other. In the Soviet Union, people were sent to the Gulag for the silliest reasons. Because they weren’t socialist enough.

Ideologies tend to worship their ideal and want everyone else to do the same. Anyone who is not a purist is sent to the Gulag. Heck, even those who are purists are sent to the Gulag on pretenses.

Ideologies tend to hold to the belief that if only everyone held to the same ideology, it would be Heaven on earth. But you can’t impose things on other groups of people! This is what caused problems with Black slaves and the forced assimilation of Indigenous peoples in the first place! The belief that if these people were not like Europeans then they were somehow inferior or insignificant or even sub-human! Turning the tables around and cancelling out so-called white people is doing the exact same thing. It won’t get you anywhere.

Earth is never going to be Heaven. There isn’t an ideology that’s going to make it so. There is always going to be suffering because that’s life. Stuff happens, people die, people betray you, natural disasters happen. And you make the best of it. And you realize that you are stronger than all that. You can’t change anyone else, you can ONLY CHANGE YOURSELF. To quote Dr. Peterson: “Set your house in order before you criticize the world. ” (12 Rules for Life - I recommend reading them) If enough people work on themselves to be the best people they can be, maybe that will make society tolerable.

Calling out people for actual acts of racism is one thing. To completely cancel out a whole group of people as “not having a say” in anything (because, gasp, they dared to ask people to be considerate…) is a whole other thing.

To reference my brother Cecil, there will never be reconciliation until BOTH sides view the other as human beings, worthy of dignity and respect. Not only that, we have to look at them as individuals, not as a “group. ” The radical polarization that is currently going on right now is ridiculous. You’re putting labels on people. You can’t label people as this or that because they wear the colour blue or listen to folk music. You can’t label people as this or that because they disagree with you on this one political thing, even though they agree with you on all the others. You can’t label people as this or that because they would like you to be considerate, but your ideology requires you to be rude and inconsiderate in order to make a point. You can’t label people because they’re the wrong colour.

THIS is actually pretty scary. If this is the only other option besides Trump, honestly, I prefer a buffoon, an internet troll like him, to spending 10-25 years in some gulag, because I'm not “woke” enough. Or simply because I’m “white. ”


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