I should be ashamed...

So apparently, (don't ask me for references, this was a comment made to me by someone), the pope has banned vuvuzelas.


Yeah, all the journalists were saying, at least he's letting us keep our chairs.  (This said in a smug tone, with a smirk)

So I am supposed to be ashamed to be Catholic now, because the pope has banned vuvuzelas?

1.  I doubt the pope banned them himself, I suspect that the people who work with him to organize public audiences probably banned them.

2.  Technically, I'm sure vuvuzelas haven't been banned per se, not in general as the first comment seemed to suggest.  Catholics may still blow vuvuzelas at soccer games without having to visit a confessional afterwards.  They've probably just been disallowed from public audiences with the pope, because...

3.  ... as hard as this may be for some people out there to understand, some of the catholics (I'd even hazard a guess that most of the catholics) going to see the pope in a public audience, actually, amazingly want to hear what he has to say.  Let's put this into perspective shall we?  Your favourite stand-up comedian, of international success and a great following is having a free outdoor show.  You show up, ready to be entertained and laugh your pants off.  Right behind you is a group of young people who are just excited to be there, and to see this great guy, and don't seem to care about the jokes.  Their vuvuzelas drown out the best ones.  You are going to be okay with this?

4.  There are seats in churches and noone brings a vuvuzela to mass.  I am not ashamed to be a catholic, but if journalists are as stupid as the second comment suggest, I would definitely be ashamed to be a journalist.  Either they a) have never been to a mass, where they both get to sit and do not get to bring a vuvuzela, or b) are not smart enough to recognize that one cannot exactly class chairs and vuvuzelas in the same category of objects.  I suspect it is both a) and b).


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