Announcing the release...

Dear friend of Jeanne Chabot,

PublishAmerica is proud to announce the recent release of Jeanne Chabot's new book: Be Not Afraid!

Here's what the author says about the book: The day of her marriage, Isabella stands looking over the edge of her parents' terrace onto a busy passageway below. She desperately searches for a way out as she is faced with an arranged marriage she doesn't want. The daughter of a high-class couple, the man she loves is a common worker, outspoken in his fight for social justice in this society of the future which greatly resembles our past in many ways. Isabella has followed him in taking up the fight alongside other young men and women. This eventually leads to the death of one and the exile of the other. This is a story about keeping faith alive, fighting for what is right and never abandoning hope. It is also about finding love again where you did not expect it.

We are offering you an opportunity to secure your personal copy of Jeanne Chabot’s exceptional book today. Please click here: to secure your copy of the book*, then click Add to Cart. For an introductory discount of 20%, use this coupon code: Discount20. We typically ship within 24 hours.Thank you for your interest in our author's wonderful achievement.

Have a great day!


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