Didn't make it to Holy Communion today...
I'm playing in a volleyball tournament tomorrow, so I won't be able to make it to mass. I went today at 4:30 pm, after Dominic's soccer game. I didn't make it to Holy Communion though, for two reasons. 1. My kids were so disruptive, and sometimes I had to grab one while I was still holding on to another, to make them stay put or behave. I was certainly in no spiritual readiness to receive Jesus. I always hesitate in times like those though, because I don't know if, out of respect when I am just so darn mad, I should refrain from receiving Holy Communion, or if it is the devil attacking me at that precise moment when I am feeling out of sorts and need Holy Communion the most, and making me feel I should not go. 2. The choir did that unorthodox thing again, where they sing the whole first part of the Eucharistic Prayer except for the words of Jesus which they let the priest say. The Instruction Redemptionis Sacrementum has this to say, in Chapter Three : [52.] The pr...