Advent is here

Decorated the house yesterday for advent. (Pink and purple) Christmas is coming!
Advent wreath

Stockings waiting...

I started this tradition with my kids where we hang up the stockings on the 1rst Sunday of Advent, instead of on Christmas Eve. That way, the kids can participate in putting little things into the stockings too. They have all Advent to do this. I usually do some baking or crafts with each of them, so they can add stuff. Sometimes some of them take their own money and go to the dollar store. St. Nicolas comes the night of December 5th, so they wake up on the 6th, (feast of St. Nicolas) to find some goodies in their shoes, where the night before they had left a carrot for St. Nicolas's horse/donkey, whichever it is. So technically, we don't "do" Santa Claus, not in the popular North American way anyway. I prefer the European way, which hasn't lost sight of the Catholic/Christian roots.
Now for finishing those projects I've started, cleaning out the house and making some quiche... !!!


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