20 things about me

Apparently, reading my friend's version of this has automatically obliged me to create one of my own.

If therefore, you are reading this, please do feel obliged to create one yourself and share it with us. :) All the better to know you by.

1. I play sports. If you know me at all, this will come as no surprise to you. If you know me at all, but have never seen me play, what may come as a surprise is that the normally very laid-back Jeanne becomes a very aggressive, competitive player once out on/in the field/court/track/trail/pool/rink/what-have-you. Don't know why. Still trying to figure that out. Because...

2. That's what I do. I analyse. I'm not a computer geek or an electronics geek or any of that, I'm a mind geek. I should have been a psychiatrist. I love learning about how the mind works and about different temperaments and personalities, and why people do things/think the way they do. I find it fascinating.

3. I do crafts. I am the type of person who walks around craft sales thinking "I can't buy that, I can do it myself." almost everytime I see something I like. Except maybe for candles and soaps. Not that I couldn't do it. Just that I am already into so many other things, and have all the materials for all those other things that I really don't have the time/money/space to do/store any new stuff. Which is why Marc really should consider building an art studio for me over the future garage that he will eventually be building for himself. I sew, I draw, I make pinatas (and other paper-mâché stuff), I make chocolates, I do scrap-booking type stuff (cards, books etc... not so much scrapbooking with photos as much as collages) I paint (or I used to before I had kids), I make decorations with ribbons and bows and greenery and other stuff... and I bake... and...

4. I like to write. I have been telling myself stories since I was a child. I used to fall asleep on my own stories. I have been writing since I was able to write and before that I would draw and get my mother to write out the story I dictated to her. I am currently working on a novel and a couple of short stories that I would eventually like to publish.

5. I'm not very good at housekeeping. (Gasp!) House cleaning and other chores can be very tedious and boring. Until you have let it go long enough that you absolutely MUST clean or go nuts. But by then, it is interesting. Because you can see the difference cleaning made. Who wants to clean something that already looks clean? It's like re-painting a white wall white. BO-ring! Unfortunately, with all the kids and all their things, unless you keep up with the cleaning in my house, it becomes impossible to clean it all when it needs to be clean. I could really use a maid.

6. I waste waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on facebook. But all my friends are on Facebook. How would I communicate with them otherwise? In fact, I will add that some of my best friends, I got to know better THANKS TO facebook and Myspace.

7. I don't watch TV. Very little. Sometimes I will sit beside Marc and watch a bit with him. But mostly, it bores me.

8. I love to read. In fact, I must cut back on the number of books I buy, not because I can't afford them, but because nothing (and I mean nothing) gets done if I am into a book. See item 5 above. If I am not very good at housekeeping normally, I am worthless with a book in my hand.

9. I am honest. I may keep my opinion to myself, but if I do tell you something, you can be sure I am not lying. I hate to lie. If you ask me if I like your dress and I hate it, I will not enthousiastically compliment you on it. I may change the subject if the opportunity suddenly arrises. I may comment that the colour suits you (even though it hangs shapelessly on you.) I may actually say that it isn't something I would wear, but it looks good on you - if you are actually pulling it off not too badly. But I will never lie. I won't lie about deeper, more personal things either. I may refuse to talk, especially if I think talking will just create more problems, but I won't lie.

10. I talk too much. I give too many details. I explain too much. I give you items 1 through 9 as proof.

11. I avoid conflict. Which is why I may sometimes refuse to talk (since I can't lie - see item 9). If you talk to me about something, and I almost totally disagree with you, I am the type of person who will find the ONE thing you said that I can agree with and choose to comment on that. Unless I am forced to finally admit to disagreeing, or am obliged to put my foot down when something finally crosses my moral sensitivity. I can be quite outspoken in my blog, but almost never in real life.

12. I am the hairdresser who dresses not her own hair. Ok, I have rather classic tastes. I like to be classy. I like it elegant when the occasion arrises, or casual. I have never been very trendy. Sometimes I would like to be trendy. But then I feel like I'm pretending to be someone I'm not. Which is fine if I am an actor in a play (by the way I love Hallowe'en, I love the ocassion to prentend to be what I am not and I also love to act... enjoyed doing theatre... would love to do it again...), but in real life, I'm just not the funky type of person. And who has time for all the effort it would take to make my fine hair look full and funky anyway? Actually, I do take the time to blow dry my hair though...

13. Speaking of taste... I can be a bit of a snob... I like fine things. Fine wine, fine cheese, fine dining, dark chocolate, REAL coffee, artisanal beer, apples fresh from the orchard, fresh pasta, (don't make it myself, but enjoy going to restaurants where they make their own as compared to boiling up some Catelli, like me...) cider... ahhhh... but only a bit.. I won't hold it against you if you offer me less...

14. I am all over the board politically. I can be very conservative on certain issues (gun-control, family matters, abortion,...) and very socialist on others (fair-trade, world development, social-justice, health-care...) and liberal on others (umm,... what is liberal again?)

15. Ummm, I grew up in a Cree village. For most white people I meet, that is pretty special. It does make me different. Like that laid-back personality is probably amplified because of it. Also, I may just drop by your place without announcing myself... I may prefer to pay you back by helping you out when you need it next instead of offering you money for a favour. It probably has a lot to do with me not being very funky too...

16. I used to have energy. (Without being necessarily energetic or hyper-active) Like, I used to be able to concentrate on things and get them done. I used to be able to balance having kids and getting 3000 things done for a party. Somewhere along the way, I had a fifth child. And I tell you, this one is out of the X-files. This one is not a normal child. He's a life-sucker. Since having him, I have aged 10 years (instead of three). His life-force feeds on mine and those around him. This seems to affect the adults around him more than the siblings. The siblings seem to be quite immune in fact. Same gene pool I guess. It protects them. Anyway,... as the days wears on, I have less and less energy, and he has more and more. He doesn't sleep... I can't get enough sleep. You see the picture? Any minute now, I expect Mulder and Scully to show up on my door-step.

17. The X-files... probably the only TV series I ever watched, every week, with Marc, and one of the few that didn't make me roll my eyes at the way they portrayed Catholics.

18. I go to bed late... even when I am tired. It's like my body is already there, but my brain still needs to unwind. I just want to be able to do things, and think about things, and read things... without being pestered every five minutes.

19. I am burning the candle on both ends, because with school and on weekends, soccer... I also get up early.

20. And when I think, "Tonight is the night I go to bed early, Marc asks me if I want to watch a movie. I may not watch much TV, but I do watch movies.

Yeah, I ran out of things to say.


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