
I've been toying with the idea of doing something about the funny things our family ends up saying when we mix up our French with our English, and I finally did something about it. I made a little book, dedicated to my goddaughter and niece, Claire.

Here it is:


  1. Anonymous2:37 pm

    Absolutely well done, artistic and creative to boot!

    It is so true...I am francophone myself and often call myself "franglaise" de "Bellevonia".

    Je suis l'amie de Pascal (Yvette). Bonjour Jeanne. Beau travail...Wow.

    Here is one for you. Quand ma soeur était petite...on est allée au MacDonald's et elle a commandée une pipe pour aller avec son coke (cock). On a rit comme des fous quand on a su c'était quoi...



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