It's Respect Life Month

From Feminists For Life : (Yeah - GOOD feminists!!! lol)

During October, as many observe Respect Life Month, I ask you to “face the choice”—by hearing first from Melissa Ohden, a woman who was aborted at five months’ gestation…and was born alive.

Melissa survived a saline abortion and was placed in a neonatal unit, where her parents found her and adopted her. Today Melissa works in a social welfare agency in the Midwest.

This spring Melissa gave birth to a baby girl in the same hospital, the same maternity ward, where she had been aborted.

Like other Feminists for Life speakers, Melissa promotes pro-woman solutions especially on college campuses. “My biological mother was in college when she chose to abort me. I deserved better. My biological mother deserved better, too,” Melissa says.

Future videos, which will be released throughout the school year, will include stories from women:

who faced unplanned pregnancies during college—and succeeded both academically and as mothers;
- a “former card-carrying member of NARAL” who had an abortion;
- a birthmother who made an empowering choice for herself and her child despite a lack of support from those she counted on the most;
- a rape survivor who “didn’t know who the father was but knew who the mother was” and chose life; and
- a woman who started a pregnancy resource center to honor her own mother’s life-risking choice to give birth to her.

As each video is released, please forward this message to family, friends, co-workers, roommates, churches, organizations, any contacts you may have in the media or public office.

Please feel free to share the videos through Facebook or MySpace, or to embed the videos on your website or blog.

I will try to post these videos on the blog this month. If I don't forget.

I didn't know it was Respect Life Month. It's also the month of the Rosary.


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