He lives to terrorize me

I am gone downstairs for 10 measley minutes and this is what awaits at my return:

Cat food strewn all over the floor. Yes, I spend far too much time on the computer. Yes, I hate housecleaning. But gosh... how can anyone keep a house clean with 5 of these terrorists running about?

Ok, I take it back, I've managed to brainwash the first 2 into being civilized human beings for the most part, and the third is on her way... but still...


He did it again, and it is still morning:

Playing cards this time. And no, this time I was not on the computer when he did it, I was taking a shower...


  1. Miss Jeanne

    I have just returned home from a 'welcome to the school for new parents meeting' at the school and wanted to acknowledge your emails before going to bed. I'm too tired to deal with the latest round of Houseboatbob bashing blog responses, however, I felt that you deserved a personal apology from me for my insensitive & ignorant comments posted on my blog. Given the horrendous response I have had from my blog (who knew that people actually read what I wrote), I really do appreciate your honest, straight-forward yet reasonable responses.

    I have only had a few moments to wander through your own blog, however, I am impressed with your 'down to earth' honesty - especially impressed that you had the nerve to blog about the episode with leaving your child in the car. I think that if you had used the word Moosonee in that blog you would be facing the same barrage of irate responders as I.

    Anyway - I just wanted to say thanks and to let you know I shall respond to your questions sometime this weekend.


  2. I am probably just lucky that noone ever came across this particlular post.

    Although I think I was still pretty fair in that I don't generalize, and people who know me will recognize just how truthfully I speak. Prejudice goes both ways.


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