Novena for Henry Morgentaler

We (the youth of CLC) are starting a novena to St. Joseph petitioning for the conversion of Henry Morgentaler and all other supporters of the culture of death. A novena involves praying for nine consecutive days for the same intention through the intercession of a particular saint. Novenas are incredibly powerful, and St. Joseph, being so close to Mary and Jesus, is a particularly powerful saint. This novena was also chosen because Saint Joseph is the patron saint of Canada, and the patron saint of a happy death.

Please join us in saying a simple prayer each day for nine days. Also, pass this on to any friends, family, or fellow pro-lifers who might be interested. We plan on starting the novena on Friday (July 4) and it would be great if everyone could say it together. However, if you don’t get this email until later don’t hesitate to say it on your own. Every prayer counts! Thank you!

For Life,

Prayer to Obtain a Conversion
O glorious patriarch St. Joseph, who merited to be called "just' by the Holy Ghost, I urgently recommend to the soul of Henry Morgentaler, which Jesus redeemed at the price of His Precious Blood.
Thou knowest how deplorable is the state and how unhappy the life of those who have banished this loving Saviour from their hearts, and how greatly they are exposed to the danger of losing Him eternally. Permit not, I beseech thee, that a soul so dear to me should continue any longer in its evil ways; preserve it from the danger that threatens it; touch the heart of the prodigal child and conduct him back to the bosom of the fondest of fathers. Abandon him not, I implore thee, till thou hast opened to him the gates of the Heavenly city, where he will praise and bless thee throughout eternity for the happiness which he will owe to thy powerful intercession. Amen.
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory Be


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