Last Abortion Clinic in South Dakota Closes

Now here's a good idea... nothing more complicated than making sure that the woman is completely aware of exactly what she is doing and of possible side-effects.

Last Abortion Clinic in South Dakota Closes after Law Requires Patients be Informed of Possible Side Effects
Thursday July 24, 2008

July 24, 2008 ( - On Monday, July 21, eight women arrived at the Planned Parenthood office in Sioux Falls in South Dakota for abortions, but were instead met with locked doors and a hand-written note indicating the only abortion clinic in South Dakota was closed.

Planned Parenthood closed its doors after their abortionists, who are flown in from other states, refused to work under the new law that went into effect last Friday. The law orders abortionists to inform patients of the humanity of their babies and that the procedure could affect their mental health two hours before the abortion is set to be performed. The law also provides that abortionists can be sued if they do not comply.

This law was the brain-child of attorney Harold Cassidy and passed with the help of determined pro-life leaders Dr. Alan and Leslee Unruh, who pushed for the regulation in the face of opposition, even from some in the pro-life movement. The Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals cleared the way for the law's enactment last week.

It remains unclear if the Planned Parenthood office has permanently ceased the practice of abortion. However, several women who were scheduled for abortions this week went to a pro-life center instead, where some have reportedly changed their minds about having abortions.

"The closing of this clinic is historic in that South Dakota is, for the time being, the first abortion-free state," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "It didn't take the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and it didn't take a new President or a new Supreme Court. It took the courageous determination of pro-life heroes like Mr. Cassidy and the Unruhs who saw an opportunity to save lives and pressed on until their dream became victory."

"We applaud their efforts and encourage other states to emulate their campaign," said Newman.

The Unruhs are currently involved in the Vote Yes For Life Campaign, which would effectively ban abortions in South Dakota, putting the finishing nail in the coffin of the abortion industry there.

Text of the new law and links to the court decision can be found at

Now all we have to do is do that here in Canada, and push a ban on abortions after a baby is able to survive on it's own. There really is no need to kill a child that is able to survive outside the womb. Not even for the mother's health. You simply induce her or practice c-section, and put the baby on life support. If the mother doesn't want it, someone else will surely be glad to take it. It isn't babies that are hard to adopt... it's the older children. Make sure there aren't unhappy children in the world, support better access to adoption.


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