From Crime to Virtue

Enjoyed this article too... From Crime to Virtue by George Jonas in the National Post.
Would I jail abortionists? No. I'd just refrain from decorating them. I think abortion is an abomination, but I've no urge to jail people for everything I abominate. I leave that to my "liberal" friends. I actually believe the state has no business in the bed-chambers of the nation, not even when they turn into death-chambers. Putting unborn children to sleep is a family matter. Maybe even born children --but let's not go there.
Actually, let's go there for a moment. In ancient Sparta parents used to toss their substandard children off a cliff called the Taigetos. Some may have done so with regret, but Spartan society had no use for physically infirm children. We find this shocking.
Read it all.


  1. I didn't like it. 'Putting unborn babies to sleep'? Is he talking about serious stuff- let's use reality at least! I also didn't like his inference that its somehow better to throw 'substandard' kids off the cliff, than to kill healthy unborn ones.

    Its very simple. Either we are a nation that holds human life to be valuable, or we aren't. Once a 'rubric of human value' starts to be acceptable, value is relative, and diminished. Or disappears.

  2. Well, I don't think he is quite pro-life... not totally anyway... and he WAS being sarcastic. But at least even less pro-life types think Morgentaler being awarded for promoting abortion is pretty sad.


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