30 Something Women

Considering that I am over 30 myself, and that most good things, like whiskey and wine for example, get better with age...

Considering that there are all kinds of clothes out there, for all kinds of bodies...

Considering that I am still in pretty good shape physically...

Considering that good hairdressers and make-up exist...

I think I can say I'm a 10 myself. And I'm not being conceited. I think all you 30 something women out there can be 10's too...

A 30 something woman is still young, but she's got way more life experience than a 20 something woman. She's more responsible, she knows what she wants, she knows who she is. She's probably more honest, more true to herself... why would a 30 something man even consider anyone else but a 30 something woman? (I say this, but I was 23 when I met my husband who was then 31.)


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