Haven't been around recently...

... well, actually I have. I've just been too lazy to write.

And I've been having too much fun on Facebook and Flickr. I update my Flickr account regularly with new photos, so that's where a lot of my effort has been going recently.

Just to give you an idea of what I have been up to recently, here are a few pictures, all of which you will find on Flickr (and more):

Going into a sewing shop is dangerous... I might just see fabric I absolutely have to make something out of... In this case it became a tablecloth.

Leftover material and some lace became a dress for a doll...

... and another one for Maryssa

These are the chairs before...

... and these are the chairs after buying material that matches the rest of the room and gets out the 80's

This was another one of those "I was in a fabric store and just had to have this" moments. A very nice horse-printed material that I made into a skirt for Maryssa, because she really likes horses.

I haven't just been making stuff of course. I have also been strawberry picking, apple picking and blueberry picking. I have been to soccer tournaments, festivals and to see my parents. I also got to go to the Adirondacks in Upper New York State, about 2 1/2 hours from here, and met up with Pansy from Two Sleepy Mommies, and her family:

Pansy, Rosey-Posey and Berylla

Jean-Alexandre teaching Posco to play soccer

Gabriel, Gorbulas and Fastolph

Fredegar and Nicolas

That's all for now folks!!!


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