Survey me...

Just the other day some guy phoned to do a survey on politics and consumerism. The first thing he wanted to know was, what issues did I think were important in the up-coming election campaign. I hesitated a few seconds, and then said "abortion". I'm willing to bet he wasn't expecting that one. He then went on to ask what secondary issues were important to me, at which I kind of drew a blank, (put on the spot like that) thought to myself, "Issues, issues, what issues are floating around out there, oh yeah, the environment..." This seems to have been the response he was hoping for because he then bombarded me with a whole bunch of questions on how important (very important, slightly important, slightly unimportant, very unimportant) I thought each statement was. Was the general state of the earth more or less important than the quality of air in the neighbourhood? A whole bunch of question on nuclear power, which I know next to nothing about, and should read up on before expressing any opinion about them. He also wanted to know at one point whether it was important that the Harper government keep their promise of reducing waiting lists for operations before the next elections as they promised to do. I answered slightly unimportant, I guess becasue I am young and healthy still, but also because the Harper government hasn't been in power for that long yet. If they haven't had time to get around to reducing waiting lists, it's understandable. If they get 5 years in power this time around and promise to reduce the waiting lists, then it might be more important that they get it done before the next elections. I couldn't this however, since all he wanted was one of the four above options as an answer.

I dislike answering questions like that on the phone, because they use long sentences with big words and half the time I'm still trying to understand the first part of the question while he's still droning on with the second part...

When he asked at the end if they could call back if they had another survey, I said no. I had already done one before and said yes to that question before. But then, like this time, there were a lot of questions on things I have NOT formed an opinion on and don't even know enough to form an opinion on. So I feel like I am doing a multiple choice test by simply picking an answer by chance.

I sort of regret saying no, because I probably represent a part of the population that rarely gets represented. I also regret having chosen the environment as second most important issue.

In case anyone is interested in knowing, the environment is not the second most important issue in my books. Not that I don't reduce, re-use, recycle or anything. Not that I don't care... but there are more important things still. And next time someone calls, wanting to know, I'll have my list of top 5 issues out and ready.

1. Abortion (One of the worst injustices, if not the worst)
2. Accountability of companies (Life before profit - a good life, fair trade, fair pay, good working conditions, and none of this taking whatever you want with no consideration for those already living in the area, ie. aboriginals.)
3. Marriage (= heterosexual, have gay unions if you want, don't call'em marriage please, and protect our children.)
4. Health (and easier access to natural methods such as chiros, midwives etc, as well as reducing waiting lists)
5. Finally, the environment (And here I think cars need to be re-designed for one... and this needs to be pushed and encouraged by government, give me a clean option that fits 8 passengers, doesn't cost a fortune, and I might buy it)


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