News about the bill to raise the age of consent from 14 to 16:

Following 3 hours of heated debate on Monday, October 30, Bill C-22 passed second reading and was referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, despite opposition from the NDP. Read the Hansard debate.

Take Action – Provincial Attorney General
In 1998, 1999, and 2003 provincial Attorneys General called upon the federal Justice Minister to raise the age of consent from 14 to at least 16 to protect children from predators.
It is time for them to speak out again and help make Bill C-22 law.
TAKE ACTION: 1 Click Letter
Ask your provincial Attorney General to submit a brief to the federal Justice Committee in support of Bill C-22. In addition, ask that a representative from the provincial Attorney General’s office apply to be a witness before the committee to speak in favour of raising the age of consent to at least 16.
WRITE A LETTER - To send off your 1 click letter, go to
All it takes is 5 minutes to make a difference!

Apparently, Canada has one of the lower ages of consent... I'm for this, not just to protect my children from predators, but also because I think we need to realize that sex is a serious thing, and children don't need to be having it. Already we find young teenage girls dressing way too sexy, I think things have to be done about that too, because obviously parental guidance isn't always enough. It's a lot easier to be a parent if society is actually HELPING you out instead of making you climb uphill all the time. If Hollywood could make their heros a little more down to earth, that would be nice.


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