I entered a contest

Chom FM in Montreal is having this contest where you can win a Flat-screened Plasma TV for Father's day. Marc would really like to have one, but it's obviously not number one on the list of priorities. It would be really cool if he won. All I had to do was write about why our Dad was the best. So I wrote this:

Our Dad’s the best,
There’s simply no contest.
Father to five,
That’s no jive.
He toils all day,
The bills to pay.
No time for fun,
His work’s not done.
The house needs repair,
So Dad does his share.
The kids all play soccer,
And Dad plays chauffeur.
When is there time to rest and unwind?
Will he some leisure find?
Only when our heads hit the pillows,
Can Dad watch his shows,
On his old T.V.,
We come first, as you can see.
A plasma T.V. he’d love to obtain,
But his family first, he must sustain.
Thus you can clearly understand,
Why our Dad’s so grand.
We’re sure you’ll agree.
That a winner he must be.

Let's all cross our fingers!!!


  1. So sorry for your favorite football's team !
    Hope they will do better next matches !


  2. (Morte de rire)

    J'aurai posté de quoi pour exprimer ma déception, mais je n'ai pas eu le temps encore...

    Et dire que le seul but a été compté par un membre de l'équipe paraguayenne, (Carlos Gamarra) dans son propre but. Le ballon a rebondit de sa tête et le gardien ne pouvait rien faire...

    J'espère que ça ira mieux la prochaine fois!


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