
iAbolish - Ending child slavery in India

Two weeks ago I wrote to you about our most recent effort to rehabilitate child slaves in India through a collaboration with the South Asian Coalition on Child Servitude (SACCS).

I'm pleased to tell you that, since then, we have raised nearly $3,000. That already brings us three-quarters the way to our goal of $4,000! We hope to raise the last $1,000 by February 28 — the last day of our campaign.

Former slaves are rehabilitated at SACCS' "ashrams"These funds will directly support a program rehabilitating rescued child slaves in desperate need of the most basic care: food, shelter, clothing, medical care, and education. Our joint program will enable these children to experience a warm, nurturing environment conducive to a healthy childhood — a first for many.

To learn how exactly the money gets spent and what your contribution — whatever the amount — could mean for these children, please visit our website. Provide a child one month's medical care ($8), feed an a child for one month ($30), or provide shelter for an entire ashram, or rehabilitation center, for a month ($1,400).

How you choose to help is up to you; click here to donate what you can to help these young victims of slavery.

Our sincerest thanks for your generosity and continued support!

In Freedom,

Diane Nguyen
Diane Nguyen
Communications Coordinator
American Anti-Slavery Group


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