Ah... the shallowness...

I know this is something that doesn't really matter, and something that will probably take care of itself later...

But I DON'T CARE, I am going to be shallow anyway. I went to the doctor's office the other day. We were trying to weigh the baby. I had to step on the scale and then hold the baby. I wasn't quite sure, but I think the scale read 179 lbs for me!!! Ackkkk!!! So I came home and weighed myself on the scale here, and it read 170 lbs. Better, but still,... very disappointing. I shouldn't weigh more than 5 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight. I didn't gain more than 5 lbs with previous pregnancies. See? I knew this would happen, I had finally lost that 15 extra lbs I've been lugging around since 1997 and 3 months later I get pregnant again, goodbye slim figure... Now I have to lose it all, all over again. And who knows how long that'll take?

Then, I go and weigh myself on the other scale downstairs, and IT reads about 178!!! Double ACKKKK!!!! So which scale is right? The weird thing is, I am pretty sure that I didn't get much higher than 190 lbs pregnant (when weighed at the gynecologists' office). So how could I possibly weigh almost 180 lbs not pregnant, when the baby was 9 lbs, and the placenta counts for about another 5 lbs? Plus whatever else... Plus I know my face isn't anywhere near as fat as it was when I weighed 180 lbs after Maryssa was born. In fact, I'm almost certain my face isn't as fat as it was when I weighed 170 lbs before. So, are all these scales really off? Or is it all in the belly this time? I still have a big belly. Well, not that huge, but I don't fit into my regular pants yet. And there is this fairly big roll of fat and skin, at least four inches of it that I can pinch off when I sit down. But it's only been 3 weeks and it took about a month and a half for me to lose most of the extra belly I had after Gabriel. I'm not too worried about that yet. But I really, REALLY HATE the idea of having gained all the weight I lost. I've gone back to eating eggs every morning again. I hope that'll help. I tried to a eat a big breakfast while I was pregnant, but pretty much left out the eggs most of the time. (Got tired of them).

I could scream from frustration... ARGGGHHHHH!!!!


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