If I hadn't had enough of pinatas yet...

... I should by the time this is over. I have just started a new pinata for Gabriel.

Gabriel's birthday is on the 26th of October, and I'm going to have a small party for him on the 6th of November. I would have done it on the 30th and gotten people to dress up in costumes, but Marc has a course on that weekend, all weekend long, so I'm doing it on November 6th instead. I am doing a Boots pinata this time. (As in Dora the Explorer and Boots the monkey friend). We
don't know anyone with children his age in our area, so it is going to be a small party, probably with more adults than children invited.

No Halloween party this year. It was just too much effort and hardly anyone came last year. And besides, like I said, Marc has a course on that weekend anyway.


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