Of doctors...

Tommorow I have an appointment with a Catholic, pro-life family doctor (involved in Opus Dei). My brother Cecil referred me to him and even though he was no longer taking new clients, since Cecil was a client of his, his receptionist accepted to take me as well. Cecil was also in Opus Dei and I am sure that is how he met the doctor in the first place.

I hope he doesn't scold me for not having been to see a doctor before this but I had no desire to see anyone, especially not some pro-choice doctor who'd most likely encourage me to take contraception the next time or something, and be amazed that I was actually having a fifth child, etc, etc,...

But my biggest fear (fear is a slightly strong word in my case, I'm not all that afraid) is of an unnatural birth, which means that even though I may be going to see this family doctor, I am not just going for myself, I am going for the children too, and that doesn't necessarily mean that he'll be the one there at the birth, in fact it is highly unlikely, since he works in Longueuil and I am NOT going to drive all the way over there (1/2 hour to 45 mins) when I can be at the hospital here in under 10 mins. Plus I still don't know if I will even make it to a hospital, heh heh...

Soccer starts up again, this time indoor soccer at the stadium. Dominic plays at 9:00 on Saturday morning. Jean-Alexandre will be playing next Thursday the 15, at 6:30 pm. Maryssa is supposed to be playing on Saturdays as well but in a different place, at 10:00 am, but noone has called yet to let me know when she starts. I hope the school she plays in won't be too far from the stadium, it is going to be tricky getting her there on time, since we only have one car and Dominic's games end at 10:00.

I finally heard back from the retinologist, but my appointment is only for November 4!!! Apparently he doesn't think it is urgent. The thing is, things have changed since the opthamologist saw me. The spot has moved for one, and it is in my direct vision now. I get headaches right above and behind my eye quite frequently now. My night vision in that eye is severely affected. The weird thing is that the spot, which is actually some kind of liquid, is acting kind of like a lens and although it has made everything appear darker through that eye, and discoloured as well as slightly difform, the FOCUS has improved slightly, things aren't as blurry sans glasses as they used to be. I'll bet that is also contributing to the headache as the lens of my glasses are likely too strong now for my left eye.

But I have 2 whole months of waiting before anything will be done! No wait, not before anything is done, what am I talking about? Since when do they actually DO anything the first time they see you? Make that 2 months before the doctor actually sees me to evaluate what should be done. How long until whatever it is actually gets done is anyone's guess.


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