A prostitute is a prostitute is a...

So, there was this big meeting of sexologues on the weekend in Montreal. I read about it in the paper and one of my friends, a sexologue, went to parts of it. Apparently the big topic this year was all about helping handicapped people with thier sexual needs.

Now, I recognize that some handicapped people and their partners probably do need some help with sexuality in their lives, and I am not against helping them out with that. But to go from there and to offer services (as some do in Europe now and some would like to do here) such as helping them masturbate (because they can't do it themselves), well that's pretty much prostitution. Just because you follow some special course to be able to do it better for a handicapped person, and just because you're doing it on a handicapped person doesn't change what it is. Right now, in Québec, apparently we already have the following services available specifically for handicapped people: sensual massage, strip-tease, porn... ummm, excuse me, but sex-trade is sex-trade whether it is for handicapped people or for non-handicapped people...

Plus now in at least one long-term care hospital center they are responding to patients' sexual needs as well as their health and nutritional needs (oh yes, sex is a NEED now, like you could be unhealthy without it) by setting apart a special room where patients can have sex or "cuddle" with their partners. But get this: so far the service is ONLY AVAILABLE FOR COUPLES FORMED AT THE CENTRE ITSELF and they are only thinking about offering the service to those with a partner outside! In other words, if you are married and end up in the center you still don't have access to a room to be with your spouse, however, if you find yourself a new partner at the center you can go and do what you want with them in the special room! Shouldn't that have been done THE OTHER WAY AROUND?

I think this is all just a bunch of crap, we're all told in this society that you can't get by without sex in your life, sex is a need. There is something wrong with you if you aren't getting any. Sex is the new religion. No wonder there's so much perversion, it's become like a drug, people aren't doing it for love, their doing it for all the wrong reasons, for the pleasure it is supposed to give them,... then if what they're doing or who they're doing it with doesn't give them the same "trip" anymore, they move on to something or someone else... always searching, never finding, because they aren't looking for the right thing.


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