Da Vinci Code

This whole Da Vinci Code thing is enraging me. Of course it's all in the papers all over that the Vatican doesn't like the book, of COURSE it's not going to like a book that not only attacks it but also attacks it's faith reducing it to nothing... HEELLLOOO people!!! Are we stupid or what? Would jews stand by and say nothing if someone wrote a book saying Abraham was just another nomad, and Moses never really crossed the desert to bring the Israelites out of slavery and that Yahweh was never there for them, and that they are riduculous because they only eat cocher and won't touch porc? etc,...

Yesterday in La Presse, they even went so far as to call the Cardinal a "Prince of the Vatican", sarcastically of course...

My husband this morning, as the subject came up on the radio asked snidely "Did you hear that? The Vatican has banned the book." This is not true and I told him so. They do not recommend the book because it is false and full of lies and misinterpretaion, but they have not banned it. He didn't believe me, but he can believe what he likes.

However I am mad at him because of the way he comes out and says this, his tone of voice, like saying "See? Yet another proof of the ignorance and stupidity of the Vatican." (Which would make me stupid and ignorant for believing anything they say of course.) I HATE IT when he does that!!! I HATE talking to him about anything to do with religion. COULD HE JUST SHUT UP FOR ONCE PLEASE AND NOT BRING IT UP? I don't talk to him about religion all the time, could he NOT talk to me about anti-religion? I am still sooooooo mad.

This is when I need that trip away to my island, where I no longer have a husband,... I could really use a desert island right about now,... then I wouldn't have to listen to people's comments anymore about my faith. I could cry...


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