From Hi5 - December 28, 2004

Christmas Eve 2004 Posted by Hello

I am soooo tired.

Had a headache this afternoon, that's usually a sure sign I'm tired... took some coffee and ibuprofene and It did go away, but I am exhausted. It seemed to take so long to get the kids in bed tonight and I had no energy for it...

Went sliding with Cecil and the kids yesterday, but it was quite cold out so that didn't last very long. I'll have to do that again when the weather gets a little warmer. Marc had yesterday and today off, so he finally did some cleaning down here in the basement... things are starting to look a little better... He goes back to work tommorrow morning.

Went to the library with Jean-Alexandre this afternoon to return the (overdue) library books and take out some new ones. Didn't take the others with me this time, because that is so exhausting to have all four of them with me there.

Listened to Jose Luis Perales again today, I have to stop doing that, it just depresses me. In 1993, I used to listen to Cancion de Otono and sing along... it described so well how I felt,...

...Te recuerdo hoy, a ti
Que eres mi vida entera,
La brisa de primavera, la claridad
A ti, que sufres cuando me esperas,
Que miras a las estrellas,
Y que suspiras por mi...

I could sing that at the top of my lungs a thousand times and not get tired of it...


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