From Hi5 - August 18, 2004

It's about 10:00 in the morning right now, and only two children are up. Marc is at work and the men working on the bathroom are here right now. They discovered a leak from the pipes in the ceiling, and found out it came from a pipe leading to the washing machine upstairs... so that meant they had to undo part of the ceiling to get at the pipes and now they'll have to repair the pipe and patch up the ceiling again... more work!!!

Last night Dominic played soccer. They also all got their pictures taken and we ordered some sports cards for Dominic, with his picture on them of course as well as his "stats". Maybe people will be collecting them some day? Ha ha. I also took some pictures with my digital camera, but I didn't realize I had a zoom on the camera,... so I'll have to bring it again Thursday and take some with the zoom! Dominic scored a goal yesterday! (This is the 4th time I think, or the 5th?) So we went to Tim Horton's to celebrate. Jean-Alexandre gets his pictures taken on Thursday before the match.

Well, everyone is up now and I keep getting interupted, so I think it is time to go...


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