
Showing posts from June, 2009

Discussions at mass

At mass today: Nicky: Where's Jesus? Me: Over there in the front. The bread becomes Jesus. Nicky: Where? Me: Over there on that big table in the front, it's called an altar. Nicky: Where? Me: It's the bread on the table, Jesus turns the bread into himself so we can eat him. Nicky: Eat Jesus? But we will kill him. Me: No, we can eat Jesus because he makes the bread become his body, so we can eat him without killing him. Nicky: Why? Me: Ummmm, so he can be our spiritual food. Nicky: But we will kill him. Me: No we won't that's what is cool about it, Jesus turns the bread into his body so we can eat him, but without killing him. Nicky: That's not cool, that's AWESOME.

The art of being Random

Nicolas has a knack for pulling random phrases out of thin air. Every Monday evening, Jean-Alexandre and I play soccer, and every Monday evening, after the game, Jean-Alexandre insists on having a slushie, so every Monday evening, we walk into the same dépanneur (corner store) at about the same time, and get him one. This evening, we got back into the car and I began to tell this story: The ending is Jean-Alexandre's, in imitation of Nicolas. "Every Monday evening, the same two people walked into the dépanneur between 8:30 and 9:30. The old haggard woman and the fresh young man wore the same soccer uniform and sweat ran down their faces. The young man always got himself a slushie, and the woman paid for it." "And then the dinosaur ate a tractor."